Page 31 - Poze Magazine Volume 47
P. 31

Formula for Success                            Lessons Learned

     Singleton’s book and company stand             Some of the most successful,
     apart in her ability to deeply reach           peaceful, and strongest people—              Singleton’s mission
     people who do not  understand how              mentally, emotionally and                     is in helping others
     releasing their fears and past are the         professionally—have actually                  with the blockages
     root to self-sabotaging behaviors.                                                                   and moving
                                                    endured the most struggle and
                                                    overcome. By falling, failing and              toward improving
     Inspired by her own experience and             rising back up, one learns                           well-being—
     trauma, Singleton reaches girls and            resilience and determination. By                         physical,
     women alike to teach  the strategies to        being scorned and betrayed, can                   emotional, and
     overcome grief, depression, suicidal           one learn to move on and begin                overall health. She
     thoughts, molestation, sexual assault,         again. By feeling sad and                         also focuses on
     injury recovery, and abandonment that          depressed, one can appreciate                 changing mindset,
     has contributed to their self-sabotaging       the value in choosing happiness.               avoiding negative
                                                                                                     eating behavior,
                                                    Singleton’s strength, wisdom and                 and successfully
         Singleton’s mission and ultimate
        formula for success is to empower           success garnered comes from                   losing weight with
           girls, families and women to             decades of experience, growth,                  online and/or in-
                                                    and education to hone her                       person services.
           become healthier—mentally,
          physically and nutritionally—by           impactful guidance she has been
          gaining the courage to come to            applying to help others stuck in a
          terms with releasing their past.          cycle of self-sabotage.
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