Page 8 - Poze Magazine Volume 47
P. 8
Question 5. Since the start of the Pandemic, how have you been able to keep busy?
Lorna Libbett/Earl Vaults
(We) have been able to be focused, and grounded, through daily prayer, meditation, fasting,
studying God’s Word, and singing, writing, and setting Gods word to Music, which will both uplift
me, and others who need uplifting.
This is our Fathers World , and I believe he will Deliver, and keep us All.
That’s why we strive to write, and create Music with a Message of Gods Love, and Inspiration.
That's one of the reasons we wrote “He’s Here”!!!!
Question 6. Where do you see yourselves in the next 5 years musically?
Lorna Libbett/ Earl Vaults:
Only (Our) God knows, we continue using our God given talents, gifts and abilities to the fullest,
and we striving to get to the highest level the Musical Industry has to offer!!!
May God continue to lead, guide, and bless us in our musical endeavors, and may the Message of
Love and Hope be felt through every note we sing or create in the years to come!!!
Question 7. Where can people stay connected with Lorna Libbett& Earl Vaults and
keep up with you and your Music?
Lorna Libbett/Earl Vaults:
We can both be found on the following Social Media Platforms:
Poze Magazine
Poze Production
Or you may contact us directly:
Lorna Libbett:
(aka) Lorna-4-The-Lord
Earl Vaults:
(Earl -The -Saxxman Vaults)