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Olivia Rodrigo is a rising star who burst BTS is a South Korean music icon
onto the scene in 2021 with her debut that has taken the world by storm.
single "Drivers License." The song was They're known for their catchy
a global hit, and Rodrigo's debut album songs, their powerful performances,
"Sour" was also a critical and and their positive message. BTS is
commercial success. Rodrigo is poised one of the most popular groups in
to have a big year in 2023, and she's the world, and they're sure to
definitely one to watch. continue to break records in 2023.
The Weeknd is a Canadian singer- Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is a
songwriter who has been at the top of Grammy Award-winning singer-
the charts for years. He's known for his songwriter who is one of the most
dark and atmospheric music, and his popular artists in the world. She's
latest album "Dawn FM" is no exception. known for her catchy songs, her
The Weeknd is always pushing relatable lyrics, and her powerful
boundaries, and he's sure to continue to vocals. Swift is always coming up
be a major force in music in 2023. with new ways to surprise and
delight her fans, and she's sure to
have another big year in 2023.
Drake. Drake is a Canadian rapper
who is one of the most successful
artists in the world. He's known for
his catchy songs, his smooth
vocals, and his ability to connect
with his fans. Drake is always at the
top of the charts, and he's sure to
have another big year in 2023.