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The Covid

              Concert Crucible

                There  are  many  words  that  might  describe  Rachel  Dara.
                chanteuse, storyteller, poetess, bard. She crosses boundaries all
                the time, but one thing that differentiates her from the rest is her  Things began to roll. She was approached by,
                ability to transform a story into a song in her Indie folk rock genre.  then engaged Michelle Treacy as her vocal
                                                                          coach and mentor. She won the Just For Kids
                Rachel  Dara  began  to  play  onstage  in  front  of  audiences  for  Voices competition where she met local radio
                Talent Nation, weekly at "open mic at Boulzeye" and the annual  and TV hosts Jason Rockman of CHOM FM,
                "Argenteuil en Blues” festival. She was Invited to audition directly  Shannon King morning Co-Host of 95.9 Virgin
                in  New  York  for  producers  of  America’s  Got  Talent  and  also  Mornings and Mark Bergman from the beat
                attended Vocal Star to learn about the business behind the music  92.5.
                                                                          She was featured by Mike Cohen in The
                Then  the  pandemic  hit,  affecting  her  more  than  most.  With  Suburban, played on iHeartRadio’s CJAD
                autoimmune disorders in her immediate family, she was forced to  Nightside Idol with Jon Pole and then
                stay home from school. She needed an outlet…50 one hour long  interviewed by Adriana Gentile on It Was
                “Covid Concerts” every Saturday evening allowed her to connect  Captured. Finally it culminated with Metro
                to  her  fans  and  provide  inspiration  and  comfort  through  her  Media featuring her in both Metro Magazine and
                covers, then ultimately her own music.                    the front page of District Musique magazine.
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