Page 61 - Poze magazine 58
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THE NEXT Watching patiently and inspired from
BIG across the continent was her mentor Tim
Steinruck, a legend of hard rock through
his band “The Mighty One”. Tim was just
INVENTION as trapped as Rachel and her light gave
him hope to share with his family.
After watching over a dozen concerts, Tim
reached out and began to forge a
" A T H E R Y O U N G A G E relationship with her father and
S H E I S A L R E A D Y eventually was instrumental in
Y E A R S B E Y O N D … connecting Rachel Dara with Mark
I N C R E D I B L E R A W Howard, a legendary record producer &
T A L E N T . ”
engineer who has produced Rachels 1st
live style acoustic album “The Next Big
— J O L E P O L E /
R A D I O H O S T — Invention”.
“Her writing and style is far more mature
than her age, she has a feel and sound
like Joni Mitchell”