Page 13 - Poze Magazine Volume 71
P. 13

Rob Leytham

               If you had asked me 40 years ago what I would be doing for a
               living, I would have told you that I would be drumming for the
               likes  of  Sting,  Peter  Gabriel,  Phil  Collins  or  any  of  the
               superstars of the 80’s whose drumming was an inspiration to
               me.  Never  would  I  have  said  I  would  be  teaching  educators
               about  drumming  and  the  effect  it  has  on  the  brain,  working
               with children who live in poverty and trauma, and a children’s
               book  author/song  composer.  But  this  is  what  has  happened
               and my life has been richly rewarded for it.

               It started when I graduated from college in 1990 and hopped
               on a plane to England to seek my fortune as the new drummer
               for the prog rock band ANCIENT VISION. When their first album
               came  out  in  1991,  the  music  scene  had  turned  to  Seattle
               Grunge. Our albums “The Vision”, “Focus or Blinder”, and “Lost
               at Sea” got good reviews but couldn’t sell enough to make a
               living  at  it.  I  started  giving  private  lessons  and  became
               successful at that.

               I  was  teaching  privately  120  students  a  week,  became  a
               freelance  writer  for  Modern  Drummer  magazine  for  13  years,
               and wrote 10 drumming books for Mel Bay publications. Then
               2008 happened with the economic crisis and the popularity of
               YouTube  and  the  growing  popularity  of  lessons  on  Social
               media. Even though I wasn’t affected as bad as some of my
               peers, I knew another change was coming in the world and if I
               wanted  to  keep  music  as  my  career,  I  was  going  to  have  to
               reinvent myself again.
               2012  I  started  working  in  a  public  school,  first  in  Special
               Education,  and  then  in  2015  Behavior/Trauma  and  Students
               missing Social Skills. That’s when my life started to change and
               take off to where it is today. It began when I started bringing
               in drums, bells and Tibetan singing bowls and doing some of
               the mindfulness exercises I worked on with my counselor. My
               principal,  Dr.  Tyler  Shannon,  then  started  sending  me  to  get
               more training in this area.

                 I  started  studying  once  a  year  with  the  Kennedy  Center  in
               classroom  arts  integration,  getting  yearly  training  in  brain
               science,  behavior  and  trauma  with  Dr.  Becky  Bailey  and
               Conscious  Discipline.  In  2020,  during  the  Covid  shutdown,  I
               stayed  in  touch  with  my  students  by  posting  rhythmic  poems
               that taught social skills using voice and drums. I put a daily SEL
               rhythmic  mantra  out  on  social  media  every  day  for  the
               remainder of the school year. Then finally in 2021 I studied with
               Dr.   Pamela   Lynn-Seraphine,   out   of   Vancouver,   on
               drums/rhythm and the effect on the brain.
               In  2020,  Dr.  Bailey  and  Conscious  Discipline  wanted  to  take
               my Covid era Rhythmic Mantras and turn them into a children’s
               book/music  combo.  In  2023  it  came  out  as  THE  FEELING  IS
               BRIGHT:  Self-Regulation  through  Rhythm  and  Rhyme  and  it
               became my first hit.
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