Page 41 - Poze Magazine Volume 71
P. 41


           Jack Teague considers himself fortunate to have     BUT HIS ENDURING LIFELONG GOAL HAS
           realized many cherished ambitions over his life so  BEEN WORKING IN FILMMAKING SINCE HE
           far. Veterinary Technician while in the Pre-Vet
           Curriculum in College, Environmental Scientist for  WAS INTRODUCED TO IT AS AN EXTRA IN
           Florida's Public Health Agency, Saltwater Charter   A FEATURE FILM WHILE IN COLLEGE
           Fishing Captain in the Key West/Lower Keys, and     Relocating from the Florida Keys to Alabama's Gulf
           along Alabama's Gulf Coast, and Carpenter, from     Coast to help attend parental health issues in the mid
           working construction since he was a teenager.       2000s turned out to be life changing. By 2012, a
                                                               dozen feature films were made over the course of
           But his enduring lifelong goal has been working in  two years in the Mobile, AL area and Teague worked
           filmmaking since he was introduced to it as an extra  as featured background in almost each of them. He
           in a feature film while in college. From those days  also met up with some fledgling filmmakers who
           forward, he did everything he could to nurture that  needed a screenwriter for their short film projects.
           dream while making a living in unrelated fields.

                                                               Working together, they made nearly a dozen shorts
            Though it's changed dramatically, production in the  over the next three years and a spec, multi-episode,
           South was sparse in those days so, with ample       blue collar auto racing series. His colleagues
           literature and writing courses in his college       eventually encouraged Teague to get in front of the
           curriculum, he gravitated to screenwriting as his   camera, so he began acting and found a new affinity.
           vehicle. Eventually his writing career expanded to  By 2014, he was cast in a few independent feature
           nonfiction articles on a wide variety of topics, three  films with speaking roles.
           published pieces of short fiction and a novella in
           Kindle format.
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