Page 43 - Poze Magazine Volume 71
P. 43

In 2022, Teague signed a shopping  From his days as an Environmental
          agreement with Lost Lake         Scientist, Teague is concerned with  As a longtime
          Productions for his female driven,  the accelerating pace of climate  Parrothead, Teague
          narrative, dramatic biopic adapted  change and is an advocate for
          from Mary Welsh Hemingway's      transitioning to renewable sources  has followed the
          autobiography, How It Was .      of energy. He is convinced that   music of the
          Entitled Chasing Mary, it relates  often hearts and minds may be
          Mary Welsh's accomplishments as a  reached through entertainment   recently deceased
          war correspondent in the European  rather than journalism. In his
          Theater long before becoming Mrs.  opinion, women and Native peoples  Jimmy Buffett for
          Ernest Hemingway. Lending a      are the vanguard of leadership on  many years.
          contemporary flair, the story is seen  this issue. So, he developed a
          through the eyes of a young female  female/Native American, narrative,
          PhD candidate who has chosen     episodic series entitled Bakken that
          Mary's work as the topic of her  examines fracking and pipeline
          dissertation. During episodes of  construction in their communities.
          shared experience, they become   He has a pilot script and look book
          companions through the device of  style pitch deck that lays out the
          magical realism. The project was  series story currently available.
          pitched at the American Film
          Market in November 2023 and has
          drawn a good bit of interest. More
          can be seen on Lost Lake's website:
          Productions - Lost Lake Productions

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