Page 36 - Poze Magazine Volume 70
P. 36

I  do  not  have  a  bipolar  disorder,  but  I  do  suffer
                I  am  30  years  old  and  I  have  enjoyed  music  all  from  PTSD  as  for  so  many  other  people  in  this
                my life and I feel music is always the key to our  world do as well, but I have mange to overcome
                world  and  it’s  a  way  to  write  a  passage  and  my  PTSD  by  stop  letting  my  family  into  my  life
                express  yourself  as  a  person  but  let  alone  as  a  and hurting me more and more every time.
                independent music artist. Every song you hear is  Being  the  person  that  I  am  today  I  am  very
                a  life  story  that  I  have  been  through.  I  started  blessed  with  the  outcome  in  my  life,  and  I  am
                doing music back in 2021 and I have grown into a  continuing  to  grow  with  my  life.  I  have  started
                professional  music  artist!  Every  day  I  am  giving  going  back  to  college  to  get  my  second  half  of
                people  what  they  want  to  hear  instead  of  what  my medical degree that I never got to complete
                they need to hear… in my book you never judge a  so  I  can  become  a  Sonographer  and  still  enjoy
                person by its cover and all my life              being  a  independent  music  artist!  I  can't  say
                                                                 much  about  My  Mom  side  of  the  family  they
                I have been judged my own family. Since I was a  always feel that
                kid,  I  grew  up  having  a  mom  with  a  bipolar
                disorder, so it was tough knowing one day from   I married my husband for his money but clearly if
                the next which side of her am I going to get. No  that  was  the  case  my  marriage  would  have
                one can never help what they become; however,    ended  a  long  time  ago  and  my  husband  knows
                you can help better prepare yourself so you can  that  and  feels  sympathy  on  my  whole  family
                live a better life and that's what I have done for  because  there  not  capable  of  loving  let  alone
                myself!                                          knowing what love is.
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