Page 7 - Poze Magazine Vol. 35 (Sabrina Nicole)
P. 7

4) What do you love most
      about what you do?                                                        8) Do your kids notice you

      I’ll be honest, its the best                                              on TV?
      job in the world. I couldn’t                                              My son just turned 5 so he

      ever imagine myself doing                                                 hasn’t seen much. Recently he
      anything else. I love it all.                                             saw me in BLUE CRUSH 2 and
                                                                                the big fight scene was on. He

     5) When people started                                                     was yelling at the TV “GET HIM

     first recognizing you, what                                                DADDY!!!” But I think he’s
     was your reaction?                                                         more interested in watching
     It’s nice to hear that what                                                BLUEY on Disney Plus.

     you are doing makes some

     kind of impact in the world.                                               9) How did you prepare for
     Even if it’s just that you                                                 your role in “Mighty Oak” and
     made one persons day                                                       how similar are you to your

     better for the 2 hours they                                                film character?
     watched your movie.                                                        Recently I had been looking to
                                                                                do a role like this. The comedic

     6) What things do you                                                      character. I have usually

     know now that you wish                                                     gravitated more towards
     you knew then?                                                             drama, so it was really fun to

     That it’s not about me.                                                    explore that side of me. DARBY
     When I first started I used to                                             just loves life. He wants to

     think it was about “doing                                                  have fun. And he wants to play
     the best performance” or                                                   good music with good people

     “being interesting and                                                     who are more of a family than
     different”. But I don’t think                                              a band. I definitely relate to

     it’s about that at all. I think                                            that.
     it’s about “how do I serve

     this story”. That also                                                     10) Did you have a favorite
     translates over to everyday                                                scene in the movie and if so

     life.                                                                      which is it?
                                                                                I actually love the scene in the
                                                                                record store where DARBY
     7) How is it being a dad?
     Being a dad is the best thing                                              works after the band breaks

     in the world.                                                              up, where I am trying to get
                                                                                some poor woman to buy one
                                                                                of our old albums. I don’t

                                                                                convince her haha.
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