Page 8 - Poze Magazine Vol. 35 (Sabrina Nicole)
P. 8
12) You are no stranger to the stage
11) How did you get the part? and screen. What made you want to
I was asked to send in an go into the entertainment industry?
audition tape for the role, and I was always amazed by film and
a day later got the phone call. television. The fact that stories can
It all happened really fast. come to life and you can escape into
that world for a time. I just gravitated
towards it. Then when I realized I
could be a part of it, there was no
13) What is new for the other option for me.
remainder of 2020 and beyond?
Considering where we all are right
now in the world, it’s kind of a
wait and see what happens 14) How can people stay up to
situation. I have a few things in date with you?
the pipeline, and hopefully we are Instagram: @ben.milliken
all be able to SAFELY go back to
work really soon.