Page 67 - Poze Magazine Volume 77
P. 67

Vol. 01

             Poze Magazine

                   Lisa Marie
                   Lisa Marie


                Contributor:                                  Publication:                   Date:
                Poze Magazine                                 Poze Magazine                  2024

                Grace Healed My Soul is set to release on July  Your new singles United We Stand" and "Life a
                22nd. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind  Song  of  Faith  and  Glory"  have  garnered  attention.
                this album and what message you hope it conveys  hat stories or experiences inspired these songs, and what
                                                              do you hope people take away from them?
                to your listeners?

                1. Grace healed my soul, is a collaboration of songs  2. United We Stand-, was written as one of 10
                that I recorded over the years and released as  poems after the 911 attacks, I saw the whole thing,
                singles,  now  I  decided  to  release  it  on  digital  from across the river. I Saw the world was so upset and I
                platforms  on  July  22nd.  These  songs  are  some  of  thought that this poem could help unite us
                the  first  songs  that  I  wrote  and  recorded  and  I  do  all under God, I never did anything with it, until this
                not sing them at my shows to often. Some of these  year, I decided to change it to a song and
                songs are about pain and suffering, Like, I cry out to  recorded it in the studio and release it. In these
                you  Lord  and  With  your  love,  they  have  touched  uncertain times we live in, I knew that this was the
                many people that suffer from Physical and mental  right time to release it. It was released on April 1st
                pain. I wrote these songs when I was suffering very  and the first day it was released It gained 4
                bad  in  life  with  chronic  pain  and  my  reason  to  thousand streams, that led me to believe that the
                release this album now is because I think the world  world needed this song, to this day I have already
                needs to hear these songs and I am hoping that it  won, 5 awards for best song and video,
                reaches many people right now and it brings hope                                         67
                and peace that only God can give us.
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