Page 70 - Poze Magazine Volume 77
P. 70
I will not be able to perform United we stand or watching
my songs if people do not want someone looking up to the heavens
Christian music, I do sing covers with hands in prayer when i sing my
and other genres for some shows, hit song, Just believe, That is the
but God blessed me with this talent best feeling in the world, knowing
to sing songs for him and to spread that i wrote that song and they came
his word, so i turn down some to see me sing about God. I cant
things. Living with chronic pain is think of a better feeling than that.
also a challenge, i have to pace
myself at times, but i get my
strength from God and he keeps me You have a book set to be
going. My favorite scripture is Phil
published and released this fall.
4:13 I can do all things through Can you give us a sneak peek into
Christ who gives me strength. I what it about and what inspired
repeat that to myself every time I
you to write it?
don think I can go on and then I
find the strength to keep going. 6. I am excited that my first book
Thanks to God will be released this November, It is
a short story called, The Christmas
You perform in churches all over stranger. I wrote this story about 20
Florida and host online virtual years ago, during the Christmas
concerts. How do these different season, I have several stories that i
performance settings influence never had published This one I cant
your connection with your say to much about or i will give
audience and the delivery of your away the surprise at the end. All i
music? can say is that it is a heartwarming
story that happens during Christmas
5. When i perform in a different time and the character gets the
church I know that the audience surprise of her life at the end, it is a
will be different than when i do Christian based story and it will
virtual shows. Live audience at a be published by hope and glory
church tend to be more subdued press. One of the other things that i
and like more of my ballets and wanted to do when i was a child
LISA MARIE traditional music, it also depends on besides a journalist was a novelist,
the church also, different
and now my dream will come true.
denominations want different
NICOLE music, some like my rock songs, Not many people in life grow
some like country, some like a up to be what they dreamed of
variety of my music, i feel the being, I took a different route to get
crowd and go with it. Virtual shows here by my music, but it looks like
that i do on Facebook and other God guided me back in the right
Grace Healed My social media sites, I usually do a direction and took my to what his
variety of music, from cover songs will was for my life all along and i
to originals to different genres, and i can`t be more happier and grateful.
Soul is set to do it at my own pace, my own time Look for The Christmas Stranger, by
and i take time to talk to the Lisa Marie Nicole this fall on
release on July 22nd audience, live shows are usually Amazon, Barnes and Noble and all
more just music and less talking, but other ebook sites. When it is
i enjoy both, i love performing live, released, i will post it on my
there is noting like seeing a smile on website
someone face when i sing
my song,