Page 50 - Poze Magazine Volume 74
P. 50


                             February 17th in Chicago, IL

                 Review: Ben E. Zander

                 On February 17th, I traveled to the             After a brief reception with
                 Metro in Chicago, IL to bear witness            venue personnel out front, I
                 to the one-of-a-kind talents of Andy            entered about half past 9pm to a
                 Frasco and the U.N. for their sold-             corridor with coat check to the
                 out show. For many artists and                  right, and a room with
                 performers, filling a venue like                merchandise for purchase to the
                 Chicago’s Metro to max capacity is              left. Straight forward to some
                 a dream come true. These fellas                 pleasant folks handling guest list
                 earn it, playing around 250 gigs a              accommodations and media
                 year throughout the country. In-cre-            credentials. Past them to the left,
                 di-ble!                                         another attendant scans tickets.
                                                                 Here you’ll also find the lone
                  My excitement is growing, as my                men’s bathroom to the right of
                 guy Ty and I are blessed with a                 the stairwell you’ll climb to
                 premium parking spot on Clark                   access the innards of the venue.
                 Street directly across from the
                 venue. I do believe the Universe                 Ascend one level, and you’ve
                 works on our behalf when we put                 reached the main floor. A narrow
                 forth our best, and it’s nearly party-          hallway runs the length of this
                 time with Andy Frasco and the                   room with several points of entry
                 U.N. among the rest. For those who              into a central chamber. There’s
                 have never adventured the Metro,                at least one bar along the back
                 let me describe its layout. An aged             right wall. I elect not to settle on
                 sign reading Metro hangs above a                this first floor, as patrons are
                 theater façade marking the                      already packed in, shoulder-to-
                 entrance.                                       shoulder, like sardines.
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