Page 54 - Poze Magazine Volume 74
P. 54


                THE U.N

                   Tonight marks their 8 th                   It’s always an exceptional
                   performance in 9 nights,                   time with Andy Frasco and the

                   and once this show                         U.N., and I highly recommend
                   concludes, the beginning                   them to anyone who’s looking
                   of a well-deserved two-                    for unique and inspiring music
                   week break. About                          to enjoy. As my guy Ty and I
                   1150pm, they exit the                      cross the street to his car, a
                   stage, before coming                       scene of celebration now

                   back for an encore that                    populates the sidewalks of
                   lasts an additional fifteen                Clark Street. Entering his
                   heavenly minutes. These                    vehicle, a couple of heady
                   guys have been touring                     homies remark to us half-
                   together since 2007, and                   hidden inside a doorway,
                   it’s beautiful to see their                “How did you land that
                   friendship prevailing on                   parking spot?” I look at Ty,

                   stage.                                     and he smiles back at me,
                                                              “You gotta believe”, and now
                   To end the night, they                     we’re headed to rendezvous
                   perform one of my                          with our squad for pizza time.
                   favorites, “Dancing                        Pizza is love, as is Andy Frasco

                   Around My Grave”. It’s a                   and the U.N. For more
                   reminder to live life how                  information about Andy
                   you want. Make the most                    Frasco and the U.N., links to
                   of the time spent with                     socials, tour dates in cities
                   friends and family, life’s                 near you, and to purchase
                   truly priceless treasure.                  tickets to upcoming events,
                   Celebrate what you have,                   check out
                   whenever you can.
                                                              --Ben E Zander--
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