Page 12 - ASUTIL 2024 Edition
P. 12


                        St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands is benefiting from the return of business travel and is one of the
                        destinations showing the highest percentages of premium arrivals.

          Caribbean in-depth report: Caribbean tourism robust, but growth is
          slowing even as inter-regional and LATAM travel gain strength

              The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism   Here TMI presents some of the most   the first half of 2024, driven primarily by
          Association (CHTA) teamed up with travel   relevant highlights.      arrivals from the United States. Specific
          intelligence specialist ForwardKeys to                               U.S. markets showing strong growth
          produce an in-depth study of air traffic and   Travel trends: Caribbean tourism   include Atlanta (+54%), Houston (+23%)
          the tourism prospects for the region.   robust, but growth is slowing   and Fort Lauderdale (+20%).
               “A data-based approach to destination   International arrivals to the Caribbean   The Dominican Republic (+12%) is
          promotion and management will be   were up +10% year on-year in the first half   also showing significant growth, boosted
          foundational for a sustainable, resilient and   of 2024 – and overall growth increased   by increased connectivity from key origin
          profitable future for the region’s tourism   +13% compared to 2019. ForwardKeys   cities such as Orlando.
          sector,” commented CHTA President   notes that tickets for international arrivals   Cancun in the Mexican Caribbean
          Nicola Madden-Greig, about the study.  globally are still 16% below pre-pandemic   (+7%), the Bahamas (+6%) and Jamaica
                                            levels, underlining that the Caribbean   (+2%) are also growing, although more
                                            remains a strong performer.        moderately.
                                                Nevertheless, the year-on-year    Mid-tier Caribbean destinations
                                            growth, while positive, represents a more   – those with a market share between
                                            modest increase compared to the rest of the   0.5% and 5% -- also showed impressive
                                            Americas, which are up by +15% over the   growth in the first half of 2024, reports
                                            same period. This means that Caribbean   ForwardKeys.
                                            destinations will need to develop strategies   Belize leads the list with international
                                            to remain relevant in an increasingly   arrivals up +30% year-on-year. Bookings
                                            competitive travel environment, especially   from New York alone are +91% higher
                                            as Asia completes its recovery and   than in 2023 following the launch of
                                            competes for market share, says the report.  new direct flights in December. Overall,
                                                Several top-tier Caribbean     the top-performing mid-tier destinations
                                            destinations—those representing a market   are expected to reach double-digit YOY
                                            share of 5% or larger —are leading the   growth. Only Bermuda and Guadeloupe
                                            way. Puerto Rico tops this ranking, with   are at or behind 2023 levels, says
                                            overseas arrivals +18% year-on-year in   ForwardKeys.

          ASUTIL Special Issue June 2024                                     12
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