Page 14 - ASUTIL 2024 Edition
P. 14


          Business travel lags behind leisure, but
          starting to improve
              While the Caribbean’s post-pandemic
          travel recovery is being driven by leisure
          visitors, business travel is showing just
          3% growth over the same period. This
          highlights the slower recovery of this
          segment as virtual meetings remain
          prevalent post-pandemic.
              However, there is encouraging growth
          at a destination level, with the Dominican
          Republic (+14%), the U.S. Virgin Islands
          (+29%) and the Cayman Islands (+23%) all
          showing substantial increases in overseas
          business travel arrivals.

          Premium class travel gains
              Bookings in high-end cabins – First
          and Business class – are substantially
          outperforming the market average, reports
          ForwardKeys, showing growth of 39%
          compared to the same period in 2023.
              This indicates the “enduring strength”
          of luxury travel to the region, says the        St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
          report. The Turks & Caicos Islands
          (+73%), the Cayman Islands (+68%), and   highest growth in high-end travel, and   is slower at +2%, but a number of origin
          the U.S. Virgin Islands are showing the   collectively account for almost 10% of all   markets are performing above average,
                                            premium arrivals.                  especially Germany (+11%), the UK (+6%)
                                                This trend bodes very well for luxury   and the Netherlands (+5%) — a promising
                                            travel retail and duty free sales in the   sign for Caribbean destinations as these
                                            region.                            markets are traditionally associated with
                                                                               higher than average spend.
                                            Intra-Caribbean connectivity & multi-  Intra-regional connectivity is crucial
                                            destination trips                  as the Caribbean seeks to attract more
                                                Connectivity (air capacity) to the   multi-destination travelers looking to
                                            Caribbean is showing impressive growth,   explore the diversity of the region’s tourism
                                            increasing +13% overall in the first half   offer.
                                            of 2024 compared to the previous year.
                                            Canada is contributing significantly to this   Connectivity: North America
                                            success with an increase in seat capacity   Toronto is the top-performing
                                            of +17%, which makes it the largest origin   North American origin city for travel to
                                            market currently performing above the   the Caribbean in the first half of 2024,
                                            global average. The U.S., which is the   with arrivals up 23% year-on-year. This
                                            largest origin market overall, is tracking   growth was supported by a 15% increase
                                            global average growth at 13%.      in seat capacity between Toronto and the
                                                However, intra-Caribbean connectivity   Caribbean, with various airlines increasing
                                            expanded by 20% year-on-year.      the number of available flights.
                                                This is a critical element to enable   In the United States, New York
                                            multi-destination trips within the region.   (+13%) also shows sustained growth, as
                                            The most notable increases were from   well as key origin markets Dallas (+21%),
                                            Cancun (+78%), Barbados (+56%) and the   Orlando (+18%), Charlotte (+18%) and
                                            U.S. Virgin Islands (+50%).        Washington D.C. (+18%), more indications
                                                Connectivity from Latin America   of the ongoing strength of U.S. demand for
                                            delivered a more moderate increase, with   Caribbean destinations, says ForwardKeys.
                                            6% growth in capacity over the same   Direct flights between North America
                                            period. However, at the country level there   and the Caribbean have improved
                                            is significant growth in key markets. Brazil   significantly since 2019. In the first six
                                            is the standout origin market with seats to   months of 2024, 68% of all arrivals from
                                            the Caribbean up an impressive +112%,   the U.S. and Canada are flying directly to
                                            followed by Argentina at +83%.     their Caribbean destination, an increase
                                                Growth in connectivity from Europe   of 5 percentage points compared to pre-

          ASUTIL Special Issue June 2024                                     14
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