Page 19 - ASUTIL 2024 Edition
P. 19


              Slower economic growth for Latin America

              An economic overview by John Gallagher in Buenos Aires

                 The world’s attention has been   1200 to 1300. Making exchange rate   vibrant economic areas in Brazil.
              focused on Argentina since the election   predictions in Argentina is a fool’s game   In macroeconomic terms, Brazil is
              of Javier Milei as president in December.   but the relative tranquility of the last six   performing well. Inflation last month hit
              But further north, economies are growing,   months is a positive sign.  3.9%, down from 4.5% at the end of 2023
              although a little slower than last year. The   GDP is predicted to fall between 3-4%   - the end of year target is 3.0%. President
              post-pandemic recovery is coming to a halt   this year, however many analysts expect   Lula has not been able to kick-start the
              and the leading economies in the region   some turnaround in the second half of   economy, which is only growing at around
              are looking at ways to increase growth and   the year although when is still a question.    2.2%, due to a robust performance from
              lower inflation.                  Early in June the government was able   the agriculture sector. Government will
                 Agricultural and mineral commodity   to announce an increase in tax revenues   cut interest rates with the hope that strong
              prices are stable at the moment and   during the month of May and this could be   consumer spending might fuel eventual
              unlikely to give governments a welcome   the first green shoot indicating recovery.  growth. All economists agree that a healthy
              push forward.                         Surprisingly, there has been little   Brazilian economy is good for the whole of
                 Inflation will continue to fall in   social unrest, with only two or three   Latin America.
              2024, and lower rates may support a more   general strikes called by displaced Labor   In Colombia GDP growth of around
              flexible monetary stance, particularly in   Unions. Meanwhile, Milei continues his   1.1% is expected in 2024, up from 0.6%
              Brazil, Peru, Chile, and Uruguay.   world tour to attract foreign investments   last year. The government will be looking
                 With Guyana enjoying an oil-   into Argentina with recent visits to the USA   to boost this figure.
              related boom, growth may be as high as   and Europe. He has held several high-level   Inflation in Colombia closed last
              25%. However, the discovery of new oil   meetings with leading entrepreneurs around   year at 9.2%. The Bank of the Republic of
              reserves has also attracted the attention   the world, but still no news of major   Colombia is forecasting 5.9% for the end
              of neighboring Venezuela and an old   investments.                  of 2024, while other analysts are saying
              territorial dispute has resurfaced.                                 the figure will be between 5.0% and 5.5%.
                                                Brazil & Colombia                 Even with the lowest figure Colombia will
              Argentina struggles                   The situation in Brazil is slightly more   still be in a worse situation than Brazil,
                 Argentina is, of course, the major   complicated, following the floods in the   Chile, Peru, and Mexico, but in a much
              exception to the news on growth and   Rio Grande do Sul region, one of the most   better situation than Argentina.
              inflation. Argentina’s President Milei has
              now been in power for six months. Without
              a doubt the macroeconomic situation is
              better than the one that Milei inherited from   What does all this mean for the travel retail business?
              the previous government. At one point in
              mid-December and early January, there was
              a significant danger of hyperinflation, with   Argentina is the big worry for many duty free suppliers – the devaluation has taken
              the administration talking about inflation   money out of the consumers’ wallets, forcing them to be careful about planning trips at
              of more than 1000%. That risk has now   home or abroad. Argentina reported no growth in domestic passenger traffic for the first
              disappeared.                      4 months of 2024. Traffic reached 10.59 million passengers compared with 10.66 million
                 Inflation has fallen month by month,   last year. Surprisingly however, international traffic grew by 16.7%, reaching 4.47 million
              from over 30% in January to 8% in April.   passengers, compared to 3.83 million the previous year.
              Most analysts are expecting somewhere   In Brazil, Sao Paulo Guarulhos saw an increase of 6.9% to 13.77 million passengers.
              between 5% or 6% for the month of May.   Domestic traffic grew from 8.54 million to 8.77 million, whereas international traffic grew
              Note that these are monthly figures. Annual   by 15% to reach 5.00 million passengers.
              estimates in January exceeded 300% for   The figures at Rio de Janeiro Galeão Airport were better but skewed by a government
              the full year but the government seems to   directive to divert some domestic traffic from Santos Dumont Airport to Galeão. Domestic
              have controlled price increases with a mix   traffic grew from 2.44 million to 4.59 million (+88%), whereas international passengers
              of strict fiscal controls and squeezing the   reached 1.59 million, an increase of 30.32% compared to the previous year’s figure of 1.22
              supply of physical banknotes in circulation.   million.
              Analysts are now predicting a rate of   Aerocivil, Colombia’s Civil Authority confirmed that 13.29 million passengers used
              around 140-150% in December.      Colombian airports in the first quarter of this year, an increase of 14.8% compared to the
                 Future inflation could depend on the   same period of 2023. Passengers using international flights rose to 5.5 million, an increase
              USD exchange rate - the official dollar is   of 32.6% on last year’s figure of 4.15 million.
              floating around 890 to 910 and the grey
              market USD has been operating between

                                                                               19                                                June 2024 ASUTIL Special Issue
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