Page 24 - ASUTIL 2024 Edition
P. 24


          L’Oréal’s brand value soars to $13.4 billion to remain most valuable
          cosmetics brand

              L’Oréal remains among the world’s   L’Oréal for the Future campaign  innovative solutions for carbon capture,
          most valuable cosmetics brands, with its   L’Oréal also earns the highest   reforestation and ecosystem restoration.
          brand value improving 11% to reach $13.4   Sustainability Perceptions Value (SPV)
          billion, according to new data from Brand   in the cosmetics ranking, at $1 billion.   Gillette is second MVP
          Finance.                          The brand’s ongoing commitment to     Gillette trails as the second most
               The French company’s brand value is   sustainability is anchored in its “L’Oréal   valuable cosmetics brand, with a brand
          approximately 80% higher than its closest   for the Future” campaign, launched in   value increase of 13% to $7.4 billion. In
          rival, per analysts.              2020, dedicated to tackling social and   a testament to its enduring appeal and
              According to the Brand Finance   environmental challenges around the world.   innovative strategy, and despite lower
          report, L’Oréal’s brand value is tied to its   Notably, in 2023, the brand introduced a   consumer demand, the brand’s strategic
          strategic focus on premiumization and   new EUR15 million Climate Emergency   pricing adjustments have driven growth in
          innovation within the beauty industry.   Fund, aimed at helping vulnerable   sales revenue– showing that a strong brand
          The brand’s approach to making high-  communities build resilience against   can return significant value through higher
          end products more accessible in a market   climate change-driven disasters.   prices and according to Brand Finance data,
          driven by supply has driven strong sales   L’Oréal also advanced its Inclusive   earn improved scores for perceived price
          growth, indicating L’Oréal’s ability to align   Sourcing program to help vulnerable   premium at the same time. Gillette entered
          product offerings with consumer demand   people find employment, benefiting more   a long-term partnership with the New York
          for luxury at an attainable price point,   than 93,000 individuals by the end of   Yankees, which is likely to further improve
          analysts say.                     2023. Additionally, the brand expanded   its familiarity amongst potential customers,
                                            its environmental efforts by backing three   analysts say.
                                            pioneering projects through its Fund
                                            for Nature Regeneration, focused on   Natura strongest brand
                                                                                  Natura secures its place as the world’s
                                                                               strongest cosmetics brand, despite a
                                                                               slight 2% dip in brand value to $2 billion.
                                                                               This minor decrease is overshadowed by
                                                                               Natura’s customer loyalty and its high
                                                                               scores in familiarity, recommendation,
                                                                               and consideration. The brand’s reputation
                                                                               remains exceptionally strong, testament to
                                                                               its dedicated customer base.

                                                                               Growth for Garnier
                                                                                  Part of the L’Oréal family, Garnier
                                                                               emerges as one of the world’s fastest-
                                                                               growing cosmetics brands, with its brand
                                                                               value up 15% to $4.7 billion. As such, it
                                                                               narrowly edges out Axe/Lynx/Ego, which
                                                                               also saw a 14% boost to $1.9 billion.
                                                                               Garnier’s success is a highlight within
                                                                               L’Oréal’s Consumer Products Division,
                                                                               which celebrated strong growth. Garnier’s
                                                                               Vitamin C Brightening Serum has
                                                                               become a beacon of success in skincare,
                                                                               contributing to the division’s stellar
                                                                               performance, analysts say.
                                                                                   Axe/Lynx/Ego’s brand value increase
                                                                               is propelled by significant sales increases
                                                                               while operating under different names in
                                                                               different jurisdictions and also maintaining
                                                                               high scores in familiarity globally. The
                                                                               brand’s double-digit growth, fueled by
                                                                               the rollout of its Fine Fragrance range,
                                                                               underscores the effectiveness of Unilever’s
                                                                               increased investment in digital marketing,
                                                                               media, and ecommerce, coupled with a
                                                                               strategic price hike.

          ASUTIL Special Issue June 2024                                     24
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