Page 28 - ASUTIL 2024 Edition
P. 28


                                                                               Antoine Bona. “These fragrances are a
                                                                               little more sophisticated, made with more
                                                                               essential oils and stronger concentrations.
                                                                               This elevates them. And that’s definitely a
                                                                               trend in Latin America. We see it with all
                                                                               the major stores, although not yet as much
                                                                               along the more remote borders.”

                                                                               Uruguay and Brazil: On the border
                                                                                  Taking a closer look at LATAM’s
                                                                               border business, the Essence executives
                                                                               explain that the company currently supplies
                                                                               20 of the 24 stores now open on the
                                                                               Brazilian border, and about 50 of the 90
                                                                               stores on the Uruguay border, including
                                                                               DFA and Neutax (Neutral by Luryx).
                                                                                  “Since 2019, many of the operators
          The Jimmy Choo holiday HPP at Duty Free Americas in Uruguay.         on the Brazilian side have opened a second
                                                                               store and some have opened multiple
                                                                               stores. And all the stores are new versus
                                                                               those in Uruguay, where some of the stores
          business and several borders in Latin   in the U.S. really helps our Caribbean and   are 20 to 30 years old. So there’s more
          America,” says Guillaume Bona. “It’s a   North American sales, and even the Latin   recent capex investment in the Brazilian
          beautiful brand, and probably one of the   American sales.”          stores,” explains Antoine Bona.
          only Top 10 brands, along with Versace,                                 “In Uruguay, with the older stores,
          that does not belong to a public company.   Fragrance business gets stronger  the retailers were more strapped for
          (Note: Dolce & Gabbana took its fragrance   The growing trend for fragrances   investment in capex during the previous
          license in-house in 2022 when its licensing   throughout the Americas is another plus for   years, but we are seeing more and more
          deal with Shiseido had expired.)    the Latin American border business, say the   investments instore, post COVID, as
              “And we partnered with L’Occitane   Essence executives.          they’ve recovered.”
          three years ago, and now we are       “Fragrance is King, the strongest   “Our biggest challenge on the
          representing their Sol de Janeiro brand.   category of the beauty business. It was   Uruguay border was bringing in new
          This is one of the hottest brands in the   always very strong in Latin America,   brands and elevating brand image. On
          market and is in high demand in our region.    where it was the dominant category. And   the Brazilian side of the border it was
          So we are very happy with this.”    now it’s a dominant category in North and   more about helping the different brands
              “We’ve also done extremely well with   South America. We are also seeing a huge   understand that this channel exists, and
          Versace,” adds Antoine Bona. “It’s a top   trend for Haute Parfumerie brands, the   developing relationships with these new
          five brand worldwide, and extremely strong   niche brands – such as Creed and Parfums   operators, and coaching in-store category
          in the region. They closed last year in the   de Marly-- and we see this as a growing   management which we are doing,” he says.
          U.S. NPD at number four. That exposure   trend in Latin America as well,” explains   For one thing, some of the operators

            Cell Shop and Essence Corp staged impressive launches for Shiseido’s Ultimune and Interparfums Moncler fragrances.

          ASUTIL Special Issue June 2024                                     28
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