Page 32 - ASUTIL 2024 Edition
P. 32


          Flor de Caña hosted an exceptional activation with Lagardère at Jorge Chavez Airport in Lima, Peru, offering customers an immersive sensory fusion
          experience highlighted by a tasting of Flor de Caña 18.

          At the Point of Sale with Flor de Caña, Nicaragua’s award-winning rums

              Flor de Caña, Nicaragua’s award-  and excellence.                the base of an active volcano without
          winning super premium rum brand,      Flor de Caña was also the world’s   sugar or artificial ingredients. The
          continues to gather new accolades as it   first spirit to be both Carbon Neutral and   brand is recognized as a global leader
          expands internationally through travel retail   Fair Trade certified. In 2023, it was named   in sustainability, receiving distinctions
          activations.                      “Best Sustainable Rum Distillery” by   such as “World’s Most Sustainable Rum
              Flor de Caña’s most well-known   The Ultimate Awards, a competition that   Brand” (USA), “Ethical Award” (UK) and
          expressions, its 12, 18 and 25 YO rums,   seeks to recognize companies leading the   “Sustainable Spirits Producer” (France).
          each received Double Gold Medals this   industry in terms of sustainable practices   As part of its sustainability efforts,
          year at the San Francisco World Spirits   and committed to a greener future.  the company has also pledged to plant
          Competition 2024, the highest distinction   Family owned since 1890, the Flor   more than one million trees by 2025.
          reserved exclusively for products that   de Caña rums are distilled with 100%   Through its own annual reforestation
          demonstrate outstanding levels of quality   renewable energy and naturally aged at   program, Flor de Caña has already
                                                                               planted nearly 750,000 trees since
                                                                               2005, and in 2021, in partnership with
                                                                               the environmental charity One Tree
                                                                               Planted, the brand launched a global
                                                                               reforestation campaign entitled “Together
                                                                               for a Greener Future.” The campaign
                                                                               includes a series of initiatives with
                                                                               retailers, bars, restaurants and on social
                                                                               media (#TogetherForAGreenerFuture)
                                                                               to engage eco-conscious consumers and
                                                                               raise awareness on the importance of

                                                            Flor de Caña successfully posted an activation at Paris Orly Airport,
                                                            positioined to attract the attention of all entering passengers. The stand’s
                                                            design and decoration were crafted to create a bright and inviting
                                                            atmosphere. The activations garnered exceptional feedback and engagement
                                                            from customers, who particularly enjoyed experiencing the tasting of Flor de
                                                            Caña Eco, embracing the sensorial fusion experience.

          ASUTIL Special Issue June 2024                                     32
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