Page 21 - ASUTIL 2024 Edition
P. 21


              Major commercial agreement signed by Azul and Gol

                 Brazilian airlines Azul and Gol Linhas   Azul President Abhi Shah commented:   since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic.
              Aereas have announced an extensive   “The partnership will bring enormous   LATAM came out of Chapter 11 with an
              codeshare agreement and commercial   benefits to all passengers. Both networks   $8 billion reorganization plan in 2022.
              partnership to connect both company’s   are complementary.” Gol CEO Celso   Azul tidied up its balance sheet last year
              networks. The agreement, announced at   Ferreira added: “Gol is eager to extend the   with a restructuring of corporate debt and
              the end of May, also includes collaboration   benefits of the agreement to all parts of   Gol sought relief from debtors filing for
              with both frequent flyer programs;   Brazil.”                       Chapter 11 protection in January this year.
              passengers of each airline will be able   The codeshare deal happens just as   Azul and Gol are respectively Brazil’s
              to earn points or miles on each program.   renewed speculation in Brazilian financial   second and third-largest airlines by
              Scheduled to commence at the end of June,   circles indicates that Azul is exploring   passenger traffic. At present, Azul accounts
              the codeshare agreement does not require   a full-scale takeover or merger with   for 32% of all domestic flights in Brazil
              antitrust approval from the Brazilian   Gol, which is currently in Chapter 11   with Gol’s market share close to 29%.
              authorities.                      bankruptcy protection.            LATAM Brazil continues to be the largest
                 Brazil’s Ports and Airports Minister   Another scenario would be that   operator with 36% of the market.
              Silvio Costa Filho said he expects the   Abra, the owner of Colombian airline   The Brazilian government has
              codeshare agreement between Gol and   Avianca, and leading shareholder in Gol   been encouraging cooperation between
              Azul to expand connectivity and offer more   gets involved with both companies to   airlines, even offering financial incentives
              flight options in Brazil.         create a mega Latin American carrier.   in exchange for more flights and more
                 “The Airports ministry and ANAC, the   Gol is keeping quiet about any potential   routes. A Gol-Azul Alliance would be well
              Civil Aviation Authority, will be monitoring   agreement. But John Richardson, CEO of   received.
              any consequences of the agreement, always   Azul has said several times that they are   The government is also looking
              seeking better services and conditions for   fans of consolidation. He commented, “We   at offering incentives to regional and
              the Brazilian consumer,” Costa Filho said   have made no secret of this in the last five   international airlines to increase services
              on social media.                  years, and we will see what happens as   from all international airports in Brazil.
                                                things go forward.”               This would be good news for the duty free
                                                    Brazilian airlines have been   business if traffic were to increase further.
                                                struggling to stabilize their businesses                         JG

              Air traffic at ASUR-run
              airports in Colombia              Tocumen could reach more than 19 million
              grows by double digits            passengers in 2024

                 ASUR reports that total air passenger   Panama City’s Tocumen    the growth of the traffic numbers at
              traffic reached 1.279 million in April in   International Airport will handle more   the airport. He also pointed out that
              the six airports that it runs in Colombia,   than 19 million passengers in 2024,   the project to build a third runway is
              increasing year-on-year by 17.9%. Growth   exceeding the 17.8 million reported last   far advanced with final studies being
              was driven by increases of 25.3% in   year, said Raffoul Arab, General Manager   prepared and that it could be put out to
              international traffic and 16.2% in domestic   of the major international gateway for the   tender as early as next year.
              traffic.                          Republic of Panama. In financial terms,   The 19 million passenger target is
                 ASUR operates the airports in   this number of travelers means that the   excellent news for all parties, especially
              Rionegro, Medellin, Monteria, Carepa,   airport will exceed the $270 million in   as the airport suffered flight disruptions
              Quibdo and Corozal. All handle domestic   total revenues achieved in 2023.  in the first two months of the year when
              traffic only, except for Rionegro, which   Looking to the future, Arab stressed   the airport’s biggest airline, Copa, had
              reports that international traffic in April   the importance of maintaining the   to cancel flights due to the Boeing 737
              was up by 25.3% over April 2023.  terminal expansion program in order to   maintenance problems.
                 For full year 2023, ASUR reports   meet the growing demand from travelers   The record numbers will also be
              that passenger traffic in Colombia had   in the Americas and further afield.    welcome news for airport duty free
              been negatively affected by the suspension   According to Arab, the team efforts   concession holders Duty Free Americas
              of operations of two local airlines at the   to get Terminal 2 fully operational   and Motta Internacional and their
              beginning of the year, which resulted in   since mid-2022 and the metro link to   suppliers.
              a 14.2% decline in domestic traffic while   the city center have been keys to ensure               JG
              international traffic increased 4.0% year-

                                                                               21                                                June 2024 ASUTIL Special Issue
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