Page 22 - ASUTIL 2024 Edition
P. 22


          Bogota’s El Dorado Airport named Best Airport in South America
          for the sixth time

              Bogota’s El Dorado International
          Airport has been chosen as the Best
          Airport in South America for the sixth
          time and third consecutive year according
          to Skytrax. Additionally, it has been
          recognized for the fourth time as the airport
          with the Best Staff in South America.
              These awards were announced at the
          end of April during the Passenger Terminal
          Expo in Frankfurt, Germany.
              “This recognition drives us to continue
          working to improve the travel experience
          of the more than 40 million passengers who
          transit annually through El Dorado. Being
          the best in South America reflects our
          commitment and that of the entire airport
          community to the airport of all Colombians
          and is the result of a joint effort to provide
          a memorable experience,” said Natalí   is the result of continuous efforts by   El Dorado also features 56 self-
          Leal, General Manager of OPAIN, the   OPAIN, the airport community, and the   check-in modules, 46 autonomous baggage
          concession holder of Bogota’s airport.   authorities operating at El Dorado, to   delivery machines, 40 boarding pass reader
              Skytrax evaluates over 550 airports   deliver memorable experiences to travelers   machines, and 44 biometric machines in
          worldwide through traveler surveys over   and visitors of the airport terminal.   the emigration and immigration zones,
          a period of 7 months. The survey assesses   Among the Airport’s highlights are   which are part of the innovation initiatives
          passengers’ experiences in all areas of   such innovations as its Sunflower program,   that enable an agile, safe, and comfortable
          airport service and facilities, from check-in,   which gives preferential treatment to   operation for travelers.
          arrivals, transfers, shopping, security, and   people with hidden disabilities; and its   El Dorado served 39.5 million
          immigration to boarding gate departure.   DoraBot, a virtual assistant created with   passengers in 2023, and is the second
              According to the official statement   Artificial Intelligence that provides real-  busiest airport in Latin America.
          from El Dorado Airport, this achievement   time information to users via WhatsApp.

          ACI-LAC: Regional Aviation traffic grew 5.5% in 1Q 2024

              Airports Council International for   increase of 2.5% over the previous year,   IATA reports
          Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-  followed by Mexico, which rose 1.3%   In addition, the International Air
          LAC) reports that passenger volume grew   reaching a passenger volume of more than   Transport Association (IATA) reports that
          5.5% in the first quarter of 2024 versus   45 million people.        in April, Latin American airlines saw a
          last year for the airports in the region.  Rafael Echevarne, director general   14.5% year-on-year increase in demand.
              Preliminary figures compiled by ACI-  of ACI-LAC, commented, “Air transport   Capacity climbed 13.5% year-on-year.
          LAC indicate that Uruguay was the best   is fundamental to the economic and   The load factor rose to 84.1% (+0.7ppt
          performing country in percentage terms   social growth of Latin America and the   compared to April 2023), the highest
          compared to the same period last year,   Caribbean, so we celebrate this growth   among the regions.
          with growth of 28.6%, followed by Peru   which demonstrates the great potential of   Globally, all regions showed strong
          (+21.4%) and Chile (+18.9%). Ecuador   our region.”                  growth for international passenger markets
          was the only country to show a slight   The ACI-LAC statistic is based   in April 2024 compared to April 2023. The
          decrease (-2.8%) in passenger movements   on passenger traffic data at the region’s   load factor increased to a two-year high,
          in the first quarter of 2024.     busiest airports, which account for more   and capacity increases were well-matched
              Brazil continues to be the leading   than 90% of the total traffic in Latin   to demand, says IATA.
          market in Latin America and the   America and the Caribbean.
          Caribbean with 52 million passengers, an

          ASUTIL Special Issue June 2024                                     22
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