Page 20 - TFWA World Exhibit 2022 Special Edition
P. 20


          Dufry’s new strategy “Destination 2027” focuses on

          Four Pillars to enhance travelers’ experience

              Dufry presented the new company
          strategy at Capital Markets Day in London
          on Sept. 6.
              Under the name of “Destination
          2027,” the four-pillar strategy is designed
          to “make travelers happier,” says the

          Solid fundamentals but shifts in
          consumer behavior and travel patterns
              The airport travel market has proven
          to be a resilient and attractive space,
          showing a strong rebound after the COVID
          crisis, said the travel retail giant, which --
          after a steady acceleration of demand over
          the past six months -- expects passenger
          volume to resume growth in line with the   and nationalities, as well as through   Dufry reports that it will strive
          historical trajectory.            digital channels, with extensive digital   for “superior profitability” with a logic
              While its fundamentals are solid,   engagement before and after travel, to drive   of zero-based budgeting, focused on
          the industry is experiencing a significant   consideration and loyalty.   disproportionally allocating resources to
          shift in consumer behavior and in     Dufry’s travel experience revolution   activities that make the most impact for the
          travel patterns, notes Dufry. “Consumer   also brings together travel retail and food   customer, while leveraging technology to
          demographics have changed, bringing   & beverage through its transformative   simplify work and operations.
          about, amongst other things, a stronger   business combination with Autogrill. This   In addition to budgeting discipline,
          demand for personalized experiences,   will allow Dufry to engage consumers   Dufry will systematically and actively
          a greater influence of online media in   with a broader set of products and a wider   manage its portfolio of concessions, with
          purchasing decisions, and stronger interest   range of experiences, which will provide “a   stronger focus on the evaluation of full
          for sustainable, healthy, ecofriendly   platform to make travelers happier during   profitability and cash flow contribution.
          products,” said the company in an official   travel,” says the company.
          statement.                                                           4.  Connecting the other three pillars of the
              Travel patterns are also changing, it   2. Continue to Diversify its Geographical   strategy, ESG continues to be a defining
          noted, with stronger rebound of domestic   Presence to tap into fast-growing markets   ambition for Dufry and a “strong light-
          and short-haul routes, increasing share of   and hedge against regional economic   house” for its day-to-day business, which
          low-cost service, acceleration of leisure   cycles and shocks.       the company says is “providing a source
          vs. business travel, and different mix in the   Building on a strong portfolio of   of inspiration of what to do best for our
          origin of international travelers, especially   international airport locations and global   customers, our employees, and the world
          on the path to full recovery after COVID.  brands, Dufry will continue to expand its   at large.”
                                            footprint, with strong focus on the highly
          Four pillar strategy              attractive and resilient U.S. market, and a   Xavier Rossinyol said: “The new
              To cater to the needs of these “new”   dedicated strategy for Asia-Pacific, building   company strategy has been crafted
          travelers, and continue to lead the Travel   a team focused on a set of strategic markets   based on a deep understanding of our
          Experience space, Dufry developed a new   in the region and on the fast-growing   stakeholders’ needs, customer insights and
          strategy, “Destination 2027,” built around   cohort of the Chinese traveler.   the current market trends evolution.
          four pillars.                         In Europe and Rest of the World,   “Our new strategy ‘Destination 2027’
          1. Launch a Travel Experience Revolution   Dufry will accelerate its business   will be delivered by further empowering
          by creating – together with brand and   development process and set clear priorities   our already excellent teams and reinforcing
          landlord partners – a unique, new value   and targets.               them when needed. As a team, we are in a
          proposition for customers.            The combination of travel experience   position to generate sustainable long-term
              The new value proposition is based   revolution and geographical expansion is   value for all our stake-holders, including
          on customized offerings for travelers,   expected to translate into annual turnover   employees, landlords, brand partners, and,
          including elements of experience, new   growth of 5% to 7% in 2025-2027.   finally, our shareholders.
          categories, and exclusive products.                                     “This is supported by the trans-
              This experience will be delivered both   3.  Foster a Culture of Operations   formative business combination with
          in physical “smart” stores, with a modular   Improvement to fuel profitability,   Autogrill as an inherent part of our vision
          concept that allows it to customize the   accelerate cash-flow generation, and   to deliver a holistic travel experience and to
          offering to different passengers, routes   reinvest in growth.       make travelers happier.”

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