Page 22 - TFWA World Exhibit 2022 Special Edition
P. 22


                           DFA opened a Macallan Boutique at JFK Terminal 7 last year, one of only four in the world.

          One on One with Jerome Falic, Duty Free Americas CEO
          Diversified geographic and business models help DFA recovery

              Despite the difficulties of the past                             taking out others,” says Falic.
          few years, Duty Free Americas performed                                 DFA this month started construction
          strongly due in large part to its different                          on a 3,000 square foot extension to the
          trading models and the variety of the                                store, which will expand the retail area by
          geographic locations in which it operates.                           another 25%.
          According to published rankings, the                                    “The expansion will enable us to
          Florida-based company had sales above                                house many more beauty brands, most of
          US$1.6 billion in 2021. The Moodie Davitt                            which will be niche brands. We are going
          Report on Top Travel Retailers positions                             to be introducing many new fragrance
          the company as #10, an impressive                                    brands, which are really taking off in
          achievement among global giants and                                  China.  And we have several brands that we
          Asian super stars.                                                   were able to sign exclusively.
              “Business has come back quite a bit,                                “In the next few weeks we will be
          in almost every area,” confirms Jerome   Jerome Falic, DFA CEO       installing the newest Gucci counter with
          Falic, DFA CEO, speaking with TMI                                    cosmetics and fragrance. We just brought
          recently. The company operates about 200   completely. We were closed for most of the   in anther brand from Shiseido, called Ipsa.
          shops across all its locations, including in   month of July. But we have now re-opened   In October, we expect to receive the new
          some of the key airports in the U.S., along   and are doing quite well again. August was   Valentino cosmetics and fragrance counter
          major borders in North and South America,   a very good month. Business came back
          as well as in the Chinese resort of Macau,   strong. This is all due to Chinese   The DFA Macau store is now 100% dedicated to beauty.
          which was a bright spot through most of   traffic.”
          the pandemic.                         The company expects this
                                            momentum to continue. DFA’s
          DFA in Asia                       Macau store is now 100%
              “We had a very strong 2020 and 2021   dedicated to beauty, and the
          through DFA Macau in the Venetian Hotel   company has introduced many
          in Asia. We were very fortunate,” confirms   exclusive, niche brands in this
          Falic, who said the store was closed for   store.
          just a few weeks during the height of the   “Throughout 2020, 2021 and
          pandemic.                         as recently as this past month, we
              “But surprisingly, we have gone a   have been bringing in new brands.
          little backwards in Macau in 2022. The   We are continually fine-tuning the
          year started off strong but then dropped off   selection, bringing in some brands,

          October 2022                                                                             22
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