Page 6 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 6


          Time for change: consumer demand drives conscientious and

          responsible luxury retail

              COVID has fundamentally changed
          the way luxury shoppers behave according
          to the latest consumer findings from Swiss
          research agency, m1nd-set.
              Luxury, brands retailers and travel and
          tourism operators have responded to the
          seismic shift in consumer mindset, to adapt
          their product and service offering to the new
          consumer attitude, which is increasingly
          more socially and environmentally conscious
          since the pandemic. Companies across   groups to meet the expectations of the more   the influence that sales staff are having on
          all sectors and categories in luxury retail   mindful post-pandemic luxury shopper.   the product selection of luxury shoppers
          are fundamentally changing the way they   On travel retail shopper behavior   since the pandemic.
          source, manufacture and package product or   among luxury shoppers specifically, the   Head of Business Development at
          reposition their products and services.   research indicates luxury shoppers are   m1nd-set, Anna Marchesini, commented
              The research explores how these   particularly more interested than they were   on the research findings: “In all the years
          changes are impacting the luxury retail   before the pandemic in finding different   we have been studying shopper behavior
          sector today and how travel retail will   products from their usual luxury purchases   at m1nd-set, and looking back at previous
          need to adapt to stay in line with consumer   and more sustainable packaging.   decades before that, there has not been any
          expectations. The latest consumer trends   According to m1nd-set, 25% of luxury   occurrence which has had as much of a
          and luxury shopping behavior in travel retail   shoppers said they place importance on   game-changing impact on the way shoppers
          are also a focal point of the research, in   purchasing something different compared   behave. Luxury consumers have abandoned
          particular how post-pandemic luxury goods   to 18% on average in the years from 2017   their quest for extravagance.”
          shoppers have changed their behavior when   to 2020; 21% of non-luxury shoppers agree.   “Given the shift towards more
          traveling and shopping.           And 20% of luxury shoppers said they were   responsible consumption, and the shopping
              The research also highlights the shift   more conscious about the product packaging   behavior of luxury shoppers in travel retail,
          towards conscientious consumption among   in 2021 compared to only 11% on average   where we see consumers looking for more
          Chinese consumers. According to m1nd-  in the years from 2017 to 2020; 17% of non-  information on the products and services
          set, the Chinese consumer is particularly   luxury shoppers agreed.  prior to purchasing, we believe there is
          sensitive to conscious consumption as   Luxury shoppers are also significantly   a huge opportunity for brands. The most
          opposed to conspicuous consumption. One   more likely than non-luxury shoppers to   forward-thinking luxury brands in retail and
          of the key trends highlighted in the report   purchase at least one unique duty free   in travel retail will seize this opportunity to
          is the focus on experiential luxury since   exclusive product and more likely than   educate consumers about the unique history
          the pandemic. There is a growing demand   they did before the pandemic too. 80% of   and sustainable attributes of their products
          among some luxury consumer segments   luxury shoppers said they would purchase   or services. The world has changed and
          for luxury travel experiences over luxury   a duty free exclusive, up 28% on the 4-year   sustainability is no longer a choice, but a
          products. Luxury consumers are seeking   average between 2017 and 2020 and 8%   requirement,” Marchesini concluded.
          less ostentation and more emotional and   higher than among non-luxury shoppers.   For more information on this luxury
          spiritual experiences, which is leading to   The interaction with, and impact of, sales   shopper research or m1nd-set’s post-COVID
          a marked growth in the luxury health and   staff on the purchase behavior also reveals   recovery research, please contact m1nd-set:
          wellness travel sector. Respect towards   significant changes, particularly concerning
          the environment and immersion in nature
          are also important aspects of these travel
          sustainable luxury experiences.             Editor/Publisher: Lois R. Pasternak
                                                      In Memoriam: Paul A. Pasternak
              Citing examples across some of the      Executive Editor: Michael Pasternak
          core categories including Beauty, Fashion   Editorial Contributors: John Gallagher
          & Accessories, Confectionery, Wines,        Production Coordinator & Designer: Chris Hetzer
          & Spirits, and even Watches & Jewelry,      Design and Production: It’s About Time, Inc.
          the research illustrates how major brands   Webmaster: Michael Pasternak
                                                      Printing by The Printer’s Printer. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
          from all sectors are responding to the      This publication is a special supplement of Travel Markets Insider, published
          consumer call for greater responsibility    by Pasternak Communications, Inc., 255 NE 3rd Ave No. 312, Delray Beach,
          and accountability. In luxury fashion, the   FL. 33444 USA.
          emergence of recycled materials by some     E-mail:,
                                                      Tel (561) 908-2119
          luxury fashion houses as well as an end to   Travel Markets Insider is a weekly newsletter distributed 50 times a year
          using animal fur, adopting vegan leather and   via e-mail, on a subscription basis only.
          recycled nylon, are just some examples of   The annual subscription is US$200. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved.
                                                      © 2021 by Pasternak Communications, Inc.
          recent developments among luxury fashion
          October 2021                                                                             6
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