Page 10 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 10


          TFWA is set for a healthy World Exhibition & Conference in Cannes

              The Tax Free World Association   TFWA’s ONE2ONE service will be   you all in Cannes.”
          has finalized preparations to ensure   available for delegates to book face-to-face   Registration for visitors will also
          delegates can meet face-to-face once   meetings on-site, or digital meetings via   be possible on site within the Palais des
          again in a health-aware, business-focused   TFWA 365.                Festivals of Cannes on Saturday, Oct. 23 –
          environment during the TFWA World     TFWA also confirms that robust   Thursday, Oct. 28.
          Exhibition & Conference, taking place in   health & safety measures will be in place
          Cannes on Oct. 24-28, 2021.       during the event. Attendees will be required   TFWA i.lab goes digital
              The TFWA World Conference returns   to show proof of double vaccination or   TFWA is offering a glimpse into the
          from 09:00 to 11:45 on Monday Oct.   provide a recent negative COVID test   future for duty free and travel retail with
          25. Following an introduction by TFWA   result, with testing facilities available at the   the new TFWA i.lab, which will take place
          President Jaya Singh, the Conference will   Palais des Festivals if required.   online from Oct. 25-28 during the TFWA
          first hear from Jane Sun, CEO of   Face masks will also be mandatory   World Exhibition & Conference in Cannes.
          Group, who will share her thoughts on the   for all attendees during show days, and   An evolution of TFWA Innovation
          return of travel in China and the future   hand sanitizers will be located throughout   Lab, TFWA i.lab will run as a fully digital
          expectations of Chinese travelers.   the Palais. There will be a 24-hour   showcase in the ‘Discovery’ section of
              DFS Group CEO Benjamin Vuchot   medical concierge service at the venue,   the Association’s digital platform, TFWA
          will discuss how travel retail can reinvent   with specialist medical teams available to   365. TFWA i.lab will present fresh ideas
          itself to meet the changing needs of   support any visitors feeling unwell.    and new ways to engage with traveling
          traveling consumers, while IATA Vice   “Excitement around TFWA World   consumers under the theme of ‘innovation
          President Europe Rafael Schvartzman will   Exhibition & Conference continues to   in action.’
          offer his perspective on the future prospects   build, and we’re now working on the final   A host of leading duty free and travel
          for air travel.                   finishing touches to enable our industry   retail businesses will take part in this
              Imagen Insights co-founder Jay   to meet physically after such a long time   year’s TFWA i.lab, with expertise in areas
          Richards will bring the conference to a   apart,” said TFWA President Jaya Singh,   such as e-commerce, mobile and digital
          close by exploring how the duty free and   shortly before the start of the show. “As   technology, traveler research and data
          travel retail industry can remain relevant   ever, our conference features an impressive   analytics. Delegates registered on TFWA
          to the all-important Gen Z shopper. The   line-up of highly-regarded industry figures   365 will be able to visit participating
          conference will be live-streamed on the   and market experts, whose knowledge and   companies in the TFWA i.lab section and
          TFWA 365 digital platform for those   expertise will prove vital as we plan for a   learn more about the services and solutions
          unable to travel to Cannes.       brighter future ahead. There will also be   they provide.
              Although the traditional social   many chances for delegates to re-engage   The full list of TFWA i.lab participants
          gathering on Sunday evening will not take   and reconnect with colleagues during the   can be viewed at
          place this year, TFWA will provide other   show, whether this be in the exhibition   exhibitors/tfwa-ilab/2021.
          opportunities for delegates to network with   halls, through our TFWA 365 platform, or   Sponsors of this year’s TFWA i.lab
          colleagues during the week in Cannes.   relaxing over a drink at the TFWA Lounge.   includes BW Confidential as media partner
          From Monday to Wednesday, from 18:30 to   Networking and face-to-face interaction are   and Mondelez World Travel Retail as
          21:00, the Association is hosting a TFWA   at the heart of our industry, and I for one   Innovation in Action sponsor.
          Lounge for getting together. In addition,   am looking forward to personally meeting

          IAADFS announces return to a live event in Palm Beach for 2022 Summit

          of the Americas, although with a scaled down, more cost-effective format

              The International Association of   2022 event will differ significantly from   The 2020 Summit of the Americas
          Airport and Duty Free Stores (IAADFS)   previous years, with much more focus on   was originally planned to debut at the Palm
          announced that it will be holding a   workshops, learning sessions and business   Beach Convention Center as a joint event
          live Summit of the Americas in 2022,   networking, he said.          organized by IAADFS and South American
          which will take place at the Palm Beach   While the final format is still being   Duty Free Association ASUTIL, before
          Convention Center in Palm Beach, Florida   finalized, Payne told TMI that the exhibition   it was canceled due to the onset of the
          April 10-13.                      will be much smaller-scale than in the   coronavirus pandemic.
              The Association broke the news   past, but still offer show opportunities for   In 2021, the Summit of the Americas
          during its “Progress, and Where We Go   interested companies, both in private suites or   was a digital event, staged in partnership
          From Here?” webinar on Oct. 7.    in limited booth space throughout the venue.   with The Moodie Davitt Report and FILTR.
              “Our goal is to make this an      The Association is also planning to   QINGWA, as a result of COVID-19 travel
          inclusive, cost effective and user-friendly   host social times every evening, offering a   restrictions.
          experience,” said IAADFS President and   central place for attendees to gather in one   We will release more information as it
          CEO Michael Payne. The format of the   place before dinner.          becomes available.

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