Page 14 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 14


           Brookstone at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) in the North Satellite

          Hudson transforms Brookstone experience in North American airports

              Hudson has unveiled the next-  learning and wellness,” said Michael   Massage, STEM, Tech Essentials, Travel
          generation of Brookstone airport stores   Levy, Senior Vice President and Chief   Essentials, Tech Toys, Travel Comfort and
          in North America. The new look,   Merchandising Officer of Hudson.   Wellness.
          which Hudson shared in early October,   “A big focus for Hudson has been   Each zone in the store also features
          underscores its commitment to reinvigorate   expanding our merchandising assortment   a prominent collection of Brookstone-
          the brand after becoming its exclusive   to create an all-encompassing shopping   branded products that deliver the brand’s
          airport retailer in 2019.         experience, and our evolution of the   best-sellers in all-new ways. New custom
              Much more than an electronics store,   Brookstone brand is just the latest example   packaging creates an illustration of how
          Brookstone now features a sleek, ultra-  of how we’re innovating to successfully   each product fits within today’s lifestyle
          modern store design and expanded product   deliver on these growth opportunities to   – using contemporary product shots,
          assortment, celebrating a differentiated   serve the evolving needs of travelers.”   expanded product information, and bold
          shopping experience for the traveler, says   The new store exterior is warm and   design elements that are a nod to the
          Hudson.                           inviting, blending soft ambient lighting   innovation, essence, and authenticity of
              Elements of the new, reimagined   with signature shades of Brookstone blue.   Brookstone.
          Brookstone have been incorporated into the   Inside, a spacious open floor plan and   The redevelopment of the Brookstone
          recent openings at Nashville International   interwoven design elements encourage   airport brand furthers Hudson’s strategic
          Airport (BNA), Norman Y. Mineta San   intuitive exploration and inspiration   transformation of its specialty retail
          Jose International Airport (SJC), Seattle-  throughout the entire store. Combined with   portfolio, with elevated brand experiences
          Tacoma International Airport (SEA), and   informational screens, hands-on product   for modern travel. Hudson operates more
          the Virgin Hotels Las Vegas, with plans to   demonstrations from knowledgeable   than 30 standalone Brookstone stores
          open new stores with the full redesign in   and Hudson team members, and other   in airports and continues to expand the
          the coming months.                interactive touchpoints, the store is a fully   classic brand into new non-traditional
              “Brookstone is such an iconic name.   immersive oasis for travelers of all ages.   formats, including automated specialty
          Our vision was to create a space that   To further create the unique   retail and Evolve by Hudson, a new shop-
          would become the ultimate lifestyle and   Brookstone experience, the store is divided   in-shop store that blends a specialty brand
          experiential destination for the whole   into branded discovery zones. Modular   experience with the accessibility of travel
          family by blending the electronics   fixtures within the zones allow for a   essentials.
          categories synonymous with Brookstone   seamless transition of products. Product
          with newer product categories like STEM   categories include Audio, Luggage,

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