Page 18 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 18


          cigarettes and liquor – a big breakthrough.”
              “But the thing we learned from
          Herman and Fred was that when the
          landlord comes with an opportunity, just
          say yes,” added Stephen.
              International Shoppes next added
          Tower Airlines – a regularly scheduled
          airline offering charter fares to Amsterdam
          and Tel Aviv.
              “At one time we had stores at TWA
          and Pan Am, and Eastern Airlines! All the
          airlines that have gone out of business,”
          Michael quipped. “The basic thing with our
          company, with all these experiences that
          we have had with duty free, is that we met
          a lot of great people and we parleyed that
          into other businesses—but our roots are
          really firmly established in duty free. That
          is our future and that is where our bread
          and butter has been, always.”
              One of IS’s related businesses was   International Shoppes opened luxury boutiques at BOS Terminal E in 2017 for Dior, Lancôme,
          newsstands. “We had the newsstands   Chanel, and a joint Estée Lauder/La Mer space.
          throughout the various airports and also
          off-premise in the airport hotels, and in the
          casinos in Atlantic City. We were in Bally
          and Caesar’s. We tried a lot of different
          things as an organization,” said Scott   working with Customs and getting approval   room the first few months to make sure that
          Halpern.                          to open up operations in Philadelphia.”  our DNA was really embedded in the ways
                                                 “Philadelphia was our first big play   the store was run. We brought up team
          Philadelphia calls                out of the area. It was close enough, and yet   members from New York and Philadelphia
              Airport-wise, IS’s first step outside   far enough that we could build up a model   to help with the transition and create a new
          of JFK was Newark, where they had a   to do remote business,” added Michael.  culture, which was International Shoppes
          partnership with EJE.                 “We did a great job enhancing the   Culture,” explained Scott.
              “And from there we went to    duty free experience, by taking a generic   “We turned over management quite
          Philadelphia,” said Scott. “Nuance   store and putting in personalized vendor   a bit there until we got a solution that we
          had won the Philadelphia duty free   fixtures in PHL to showcase a first class   were really happy with. We thought it was
          contract but decided not to proceed after   store,” noted Scott.     important to bring in the right people,”
          9/11. Philadelphia made a call up to                                 added Matt.
          Kennedy airport and asked if they had   Boston and more                 In 2014, IS opened its first shop in
          a recommendation for someone to run   IS won the Boston duty free    Dulles International Airport, partnering
          the stores. We were the main player at   concession contract in 2011 and in the first   with Estée Lauder in an 1,800 sq. ft.
          Kennedy airport and they recommended   year personalized the store and doubled the   multi-branded boutique featuring the
          that they speak to us. We drove down the   sales, recalled Matt Greenbaum.   Estée Lauder, Clinique, Jo Malone,
          next day and before we knew it we were   “We were up there living out of a hotel   MAC, and La Mer brands as well as a

                                                           L’Oréal Travel Retail Americas unveiled a Valentino Beauty
                                                           flagship in JFK International Airport Terminal 1, developed in partnership
                                                           with International Shoppes, this summer.

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