Page 21 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 21


              The luxury specialist                 “We also opened the first duty free   well. Stephen and I are taking a back
                 “Obviously liquor and tobacco,   Estée Lauder Boutique, which was a stand-  seat on a lot of the business now and
              beauty, confectionery is a big part of   alone location down the hall from the duty   Scott and Matt are doing very well and
              our duty free experience, but I think as   free store. Later on we opened an Estée   learning the business. Through this
              an organization we have mastered the   Lauder/Clinique store,” added Michael   COVID crisis, I think they have done an
              experience for high-end luxury. The high-  Halpern.                 exemplary job.
              end luxury experience: Hermes, Bvlgari,                                 “Enthusiasm is what makes the
              Ferragamo, Coach, to name a few. The   IS prepares for the future   business. The success of any business is
              premiumization of the airport landscape as   International Shoppes is a family   in the mindset. The work ethic is there.
              it looks today,” said Scott.      business and has always been one.   Having a business and having the tools is
                 “We were really on the cutting edge   “Herman and Fred were in the stores   one thing, but having the enthusiasm that
              back in 2000 of what a store could look   every day. When they got to the airport   our families have, makes the difference,”
              like and a roadmap for a lot of these   their office was right across the hall   Michael concluded.
              companies,” added Matt.           from the store. Every flight that went out   “Our plan the last 18 months or so was
                 Joanne Halpern has been the architect   they were there,” commented Stephen   to weather the storm,” commented Matt. “I
              of the IS push into luxury.       Greenbaum.                        think we have done a great job of keeping
                 “We were the first in luxury. We had   “Corporate identity has always been   the business going at the same time getting
              the first Cartier shop, the first Coach shop,   that management and ownership worked   ready for what air travel will look like in
              we had the first Nicole Miller, we weren’t   in the store, and been a part of the store   the future.”
              the first in Bvlgari, but we definitely   team. The employees that came through   “We believe in aviation,” said
              opened the market for luxury in the United   saw Herman or Fred day in and day out.   Scott. “Looking back to January and
              State. Other companies soon followed   They were not working for them, they were   February of 2020, we crushed what our
              when they realized what an important part   working with them,” he continued.  expectations were on Houston. It showed
              of the business that could be,” she said.   “Stephen and I were groomed all the   that we can go across the country. In the
                 “At Delta, we came up with the   time to take over the business. And we   past, our mentality was that we had to
              concept of American Designers, and that   had good mentors,” said Michael Halpern.   be in driving distance. Are we looking
              is where Nicole Miller and Coach and   “Stephen’s Dad and Fred realized that   to expand globally? No. But anywhere
              others came in. We opened one store with   in order to succeed you had to have a   across the continental U.S. is game on
              multi-American brand concepts, where we   succession plan. We made our mistakes,   for us.”
              had Timberland, Calvin Klein, and others,   but he and I learned from it, and we put   “It is an honor to service the airports
              that we called Design America. Then our   that into effect for the third generation.   that we’ve been at and the airports that we
              competitors followed. They realized that in   “It’s very hard for a business to   will potentially service in the future. We
              America, luxury was still a very important   go from one generation to the next, but   look forward to the next 70 years.”
              part of the business. Europe knew that way   it’s even harder to go from the second
              before we did.”                   to the third. And we navigated it very

              International Shoppes celebrated its 70th anniversary in June.
              Right: Matt Greenbaum, Michael Halpern, Stephen Greenbaum, Randy
              Honig, and Scott Halpern.

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