Page 25 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 25
Carnival focuses on ports, private island destinations and
the use of tenders for cruise passengers to
Cruises have restarted, and with embark and disembark.
COVID now part of our life for the “Carnival will have two simultaneous
foreseeable future, people are learning operations on Half Moon Cay,” explains
to live with vaccines, boosters and other Candib. “The existing operations with the
health and safety protocols as they return to tenders will remain on the south side of
leisure activities. the island (this was created by Holland
With Carnival Cruise Lines reporting America in 1998) and we will build the
they will be back to sailing nearly 90% pier on the north side, so that for the first
of their U.S.-based capacity by next time ships can come alongside. We are now
February (see next page), Giora Israel working on finalizing the approval process,
Sr. Vice President, Port and Destination permits and licenses.”
Development Group at Carnival “Half Moon Cay is always one of
Corporation, and David Candib Vice the top rated private destinations for
President, Development & Operations, Carnival and HAL guests and this will
Global Port & Destination Development Giora Israel, Sr Vice President, Port and give us the opportunity to enhance that
Group, spoke exclusively with TMI about Destination Development Group at Carnival welcome center, and to create some retail
the company’s focus on private island Corporation and The Bahamas Prime Minister opportunities that we hadn’t had before.
destinations, whether or not to open new Hubert A. Minnis, with the agreement to develop We will be exploring opportunities with
home ports outside of the United States, Grand Port and Half Moon Cay in Sept. 2019. potential operators in the near future,” he
and the efforts that the company took at the said.
port level to return to safe cruising. Half Moon Cay and Princess Cay, which “Half Moon Cay has one of the most
were operated initially by Holland America beautiful beaches anywhere on the globe,”
Spotlight on Private island and Princess until the companies merged. comments Giora Israel. “The plan is to
enhancements Half Moon, and Princess Cay, which is part make it easier for our passengers and
Candib, who is responsible for of the island of Eleuthera, are visited by welcome guests from the our larger ships,
Carnival Corp.’s four port destinations Princess, Carnival and Holland America such as Carnival’s new Mardi Gras.”
in the Caribbean – Mahogany Bay in ships. In terms of Carnival’s other Caribbean
Roatan, Puerta Maya in Cozumel, Amber As part of the takeover, Carnival port destinations, Mahogany Bay upgrades
Cove in the Dominican Republic, and the signed an agreement with the Bahamian were completed during COVID, just weeks
Grand Turk Cruise Center in the Turks and government to build two new cruise ports before the arrival of the Mardi Gras.
Caicos, as well as the company’s regional - one of which will include investing in a And both Amber Cove and Puerta Maya
Spanish language destinations, will add two pier on the north side of Half Moon Cay have reopened under carefully designed
more ports to his portfolio on December 1. to accommodate cruise ships. The current protocols. The Grand Turk Cruise Center
On that day, Carnival Corp. takes over facility on the south side of the island does has not opened yet. Carnival Corporation
responsibility for two ports in the Bahamas: not have deep water docking and requires is investing an additional $25 million in
State of the Industry panel Carnival’s Donald pointed out that a huge opportunity to grow.”
Cruise leaders at the keynote panel people are more used to the risks of CLIA President and CEO Kelly
discussed how health protocols are the coronavirus in their lives now, and Craighead presented a masterclass
working, guest satisfaction is high and therefore more people are comfortable with in how not to respond to a politically
occupancy is climbing. the cruise environment, especially under all charged question when asked to comment
Arnold Donald, president and CEO, the protocols and safety measures. on the difference of working with the
Carnival Corp. & plc, said that with 11 With the launch of the first Virgin administrations of former President Trump
ships now sailing, Carnival expects to cruise ship, Virgin Lady, just days after the and current President Biden, as well as with
reach 80% of its capacity. “We are coming Seatrade event, panel moderator Seema Florida’s controversial Governor Ron
back,” he said. Mody of CNBC raised the question of DeSantis.
Royal Caribbean’s Richard Fain, competition. All the panelists said they “Gov. DeSantis is a strong supporter
stated the consensus that the cruise welcomed the new addition, which they see of the cruise industry, don’t believe all of
companies, while friendly competitors, as bringing more people to cruising. what you read,” Craighead said, adding that
never compete on safety and health: “We “We don’t compete with each other the industry has to deal with hundreds of
have a history of working together. We as much as we compete against hotels and administrations around the world.
came together quite frequently to pursue other leisure-based vacations,” noted Fain. The panel also discussed the industry’s
common goals, processes and protocols. “We are really a tiny part of the global commitment to the environment, including
Other industries are now looking at what travel industry, with 30 million cruisers alternative fuels to meet decarbonization
we have done,” he said. pre-COVID,” added Arnold. “We still have goals, and controlling greenhouse gas.
25 October 2021