Page 30 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
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the first and last store that cruise passengers
see,” he noted.
The second port shop is on the other
side at Bobby’s marina, home of the
Ferry to St. Bart and boats for the cruise
excursions. It is like a little village with
restaurants and shops.
“These two stores are heavy cruise
business and very heavily trafficked,” he
says. “Cruising recently restarted in St.
Maarten and the Port Authority expects it
to reach more normal levels by November.”
The third St. Maarten store is a high-
end fragrance boutique in the center of
Front Street. “This store is very elegant.
Rouge Duty Free held a grand opening for its first store in St. Croix in March. It is next to a Michael Kors boutique, and
Hot Looks, facing Longchamp and Ralph
will be a small boutique hotel – with four in March,” he tells TMI. More work still Lauren Boutiques. It is really in the center
really beautiful suites. And behind the needs to be done in the back, where an of action.”
backyard, Rouge is opening a big Spa, not old Dutch oven needs to be restored, for
just a cabin. example, using saved tiles and bricks. More openings on the horizon
“In the boutique, the design will be “This Dutch oven will become the “I think that Rouge may be one of
similar to a Galleria, with fragrances on main bar of our café. We envision the cafe the only companies opening new stores
the right and skincare on the left, and becoming a popular place to have a nice now, but it is something that is encouraging
specialized niches dedicated to select high- breakfast, lunch or snack for both tourists for everybody. Plus, we are opening as an
end brands around the store. These will and local Cruzans,” said Kattoura, who is independent family-owned retailer, and our
feature some of the most luxurious names very optimistic about the potential for the stores are really beautiful.
in beauty, as well as fashion, sunglasses, site. “We have eight stores open and
luggage and liquor,” said Kattoura. “Our first store in St. Croix now ranks operational now and all of these are
As a historic site, the house needs as Rouge Duty Free’s #2 or #3 location, profitable. We picked fantastic locations,
special restoration. The main floor has now delivering numbers we haven’t seen on the and I am sure St. Maarten will be the
been finished and Kattoura expects to begin island since the 1980s,” he reports. same,” he noted.
installing fixtures and furniture shortly. The Rouge expansion is far from
“We are looking at a partial opening St. Maarten – potential times three finished. The company will be adding as
for the fragrance area in December or Kattoura is even more excited about many as eight more stores on three major
January, with a Grand Opening maybe Rouge’s expansion into Dutch St. Maarten, islands to its portfolio in 2022 and 2023.
where the company will be opening three It will also be expanding further in
stores this month, thus reaching 12 stores in Grenada. Rouge is looking to add more
the Caribbean. Two of the locations belong doors in Port Louis, where its flagship there
to the cruise port in Philipsburg. One shop has grown out of its current space.
is on the pier where the tenders from the The company is also extending its
cruise ships come in: “This store captures a product portfolio. After introducing liquor
lot of the cruise passenger traffic. It will be in its Grenada operations and will add it in
St. Croix, Kattoura says that all
future openings will carry wine
and spirits.
“Liquor will be a focus for
us this year. We are opening a
new division, and in Grenada
we are expanding into liquor
distribution for hotels and
“We are going to be a
major player in this market, but
are working hard to keep the
unique feel of family-owned
Caribbean duty free traditions,”
he promises.
Left: A Moko Jumbie stilt walker helps Rouge celebrate Carnival in St. Thomas in July.
Above: Rouge’s new Front Street store in Philipsburg, St. Maarten opened this month.
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