Page 35 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 35
Lagardère Travel Retail Peru names new CEO
Lagardère Travel Retail has appointed Chavez International Airport in January be planning for the next big company
Cyril Letocart, a 9-year veteran of the 2022. move as LAP is planning the opening of a
French travel retail operator, as CEO of The company has also confirmed new passenger terminal in 2025 and local
Lagardere Travel Retail Peru. Letocart Nicolas Blancho as their new Commercial observers estimate that available retail
will be the senior executive charged with Director based in Lima. Blancho takes space will double.
controlling Lagardère’s innovative profit- control of close to 3,000 sqm retail space Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,
sharing agreement with Lima Airport in arrivals and departures at the airport 23.58m passengers used Lima Airport in
Partners (LAP) when Lagardère take over in the coastal town of Callao, adjacent to 2019.
the duty free concession at Lima’s Jorge the Peruvian capital. But he will already J G
Brazil shows signs of recovery
In a shot of good news for the of GDP in emergency cashtransfers alone significantly from their peaks.
Americas, the International Monetary in 2020, reports the IMF. But rates of unemployment and
Fund last month announced that Brazil’s The country has been hit hard by poverty remain high. Inflation too has
economy has returned to pre-pandemic the coronavirus pandemic, however. surged, weighing on the outlook.
levels, with growth projected to rebound to COVID-19 has claimed the lives of more Growth is projected to rebound to
5.3% in 2021. than 550,000 Brazilians, the second highest 5.3% in 2021. Sustaining the recovery,
The economic return to pre-pandemic death toll world-wide. Renewed lockdowns however, will require further institutional
levels is supported by booming terms following a severe second wave and the reforms to raise labor productivity growth
of trade and robust private sector credit rollout of vaccinations have helped bring and foster private sector-led investment.
growth, and one of the biggest stimulus down infections since April, with new
packages in emerging markets–nearly 4% daily COVID-19 cases and deaths falling
ASUR’s total passenger traffic for September 2021 shows improvement
International airport group ASUR advances in Mexico, said ASUR, despite 0.9% in Colombia and 19.9% in Puerto
(Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste), restrictions and requirements in certain Rico. The recovery appears to be especially
reported that air passenger traffic for countries of the world to contain the spread robust in the main tourism destinations
September 2021 reached a total of 3.9 of the virus. of Cancun and Cozumel, Mexico. ASUR
million passengers, 2.6% above the levels ASUR operates airports in Mexico, reports that international air traffic in
reported in September 2019. This reflects Puerto Rico and Colombia. Cancun for September 2021 was up
a continued overall recovery in travel When compared to pre-pandemic 206.9% compared to September 2020, and
demand and the rollout of vaccination levels of September 2019, passenger traffic up 4.9% compared to pre-pandemic 2019.
campaigns in the U.S. and gradual declined 1.1% in Mexico and increased Year to date, international traffic in Cancun
was up 80.1% compared to the same period
in 2020, but down by -28.5% versus pre-
pandemic 2019.
ASUR reports that international air
traffic in Cozumel was up 126.2% for
September 2021 compared to September
2020, and up 68% compared to the same
period in 2019. Year to date, international
traffic in Cozumel was up 68.1% compared
to the same period in 2020, but down by
-9.6% versus pre-pandemic 2019.
This announcement reflects
comparisons between September 1 through
September 30, 2021, from September
1 through September 30, 2020 and
September 1 through September 30, 2019.
35 October 2021