Page 33 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 33


              Slow return for travel retail in Latin America by John Gallagher

                 The COVID-19 pandemic has not   week, compared to the normal 26/28. Both   to re-establish something close to normal
              been kind to South America. More than   Buquebus and Colonia Express cancelled   service.
              38m infections and just over 1.15m deaths   service to the Uruguayan port of Colonia   Chile has also reopened airports for
              are the sober numbers which tell you   during the pandemic, although both   fully vaccinated passengers but is requiring
              how bad things were. Brazil, Argentina,   companies have announced a limited restart   all travelers to spend 5 days in quarantine
              Chile, Colombia and Peru were the worst   in mid-October.            – clearly this is not viable for many tourists
              hit and still are struggling to restart their   The number of infections and deaths   and 1- or 2-day business trips are simply
              economies.                        have been falling throughout the continent   impossible. Restrictions are expected to
                 The aviation business has been badly   since mid-August and governments   ease prior to the end of the year.
              hit with many countries either closing   are now easing restrictions on travel; a   Brazilian domestic flight numbers
              borders or restricting the number of flights;   measure which comes just in time for   have grown since the start of the year
              at the same time many countries cancelled   the southern hemisphere summer and the   and reached levels close to 70% of pre-
              flights to and from Latin America in an   peak time for vacation for most families.   pandemic levels. International flights are
              attempt to prevent infection – clearly this   Fully vaccinated travelers will benefit in   still to recover and passenger throughput
              has had a knock-on effect on the travel   many cases from no quarantines rules but   is only around 25% of 2019 levels in most
              retail business in the continent’s airports   some PCR testing is still required by some   airports. Flights to many European airports
              and many operators have had to furlough   countries.                 have been cancelled and demand is still
              staff or simply let them go.          Argentina has opened airport   weak. Recent passengers at Sao Paulo
                 The border business in Uruguay,   immigration posts for fully vaccinated   Guarulhos told TMI that the airport is still
              Paraguay and Brazil has also suffered   travelers from Brazil, Chile, Paraguay   very quiet and the duty free shops are still
              as governments throughout the region   and Uruguay – but the number of flights   nowhere near as busy as normal.
              restricted travel and is only recently   is still small and still restricted. Airports   The immediate future of the Latin
              beginning to recover as restrictions ease.   will open for all travelers from November   American cruise industry remains unclear
              Border store operators indicated to TMI   1. The government opened land borders at   as Brazil has insisted that regional cruises
              that passenger numbers were just over 35-  Mendoza and Iguazu on an experimental   do not operate outside of Brazilian ports.
              40% and they expected number to continue   basis and other land borders are expected   Argentina and Uruguay are negotiating
              increasing over the next few weeks.  to open at the beginning of November. The   with the Brazilian government to lift this
                 Ferries between Argentina and   strict allocation system applied to many   new restriction to ensure that the summer
              Uruguay have also been badly hit with   international flights will be lifted from mid-  season can start in December.
              services from Buenos Aires to Montevideo   October. The big question is how quickly   MSC has announced that the
              still restricted – as we go to press   demand will return and how quickly   uncertainty has led them to cancel their
              Buquebus was operating 6 services per   airlines and ferry companies will be able   program.

                                  A Selection of South American Passenger Statistics
                 Santiago de  Chile                 Rio de Janeiro International –       Buenos Aires Ezeiza – Argentina
                 Jan – Aug - 2021 – 0.88M               Brazil                        Jan – Aug 2021 - 0.78m
                 Jan – Aug - 2020 – 2.64M           Jan – Jul 2021 – 182.1K           Jan – Aug 2020 - 2.6m
                 Jan – Dec - 2020 – 3.02M           Jan – Jul 2020 -  1.08M           Jan – Aug 2019 - 7.8m
                 Jan – Dec - 2019 – 11.1M           Jan – Dec 2020  - 1.2M            Jan – Dec 2020 – 2.86m
                                                    Jan – Dec 2019 - 4.3M             Jan – Dec 2019 - 11.55m

              London Supply to open new store in Rio Gallegos

                 London Supply, Argentina’s premier   that the Free Zone will compete directly   forced potential opening dates to be
              duty free operator, is to open a new 700 sq-  with Chile’s Punta Arenas Free Zone,   continually postponed.
              meter store in Rio Gallegos, the capital of   located just over 200 km to the West of Rio   Assuming that the warring
              Santa Cruz province, just over 2,500 kms   Gallegos.                 government departments have reached a
              south of Buenos Aires. The store is located   The new store has been planned for   truce, it now seems certain that the store
              in a new 200-hectare Duty Free Zone, just   several years but internal discussions and   will open in mid-October.
              outside of Rio Gallegos.          disagreements between senior officials of                       JG
                 Local observers have commented   both national and regional governments

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