Page 32 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 32


          OAG analyzes Caribbean air travel recovery

              A recent OAG blog published on   December and 48% down for January.   In contrast, some of the smaller
          September 14 analyzed upcoming air traffic   Before the pandemic over half of all   destinations both in terms of population
          for Caribbean destinations this winter from   air arrivals in the Caribbean were from   and arrivals by air such as Aruba,
          Europe and North America, and found wide   airports in the USA. The scale of subdued   Barbados, St Maarten and the U.S. Virgin
          differences between the various countries   bookings shows just how much this and   Islands appear to be in a better position in
          in terms of forward air travel bookings   other markets continue to be affected by   terms of bookings for the end of the year.
          for November, December and January,   the international travel consequences of the   The U.S. Virgin Islands is getting close to
          compared to two years ago.        pandemic, despite the U.S. domestic market   2019 levels in November and December
              The largest destination in the   being well on the way to recovery. In August   and forward bookings for January are now
          Caribbean is the Dominican Republic.   2021 U.S. domestic capacity was just 12%   the same as they were in August 2019 for
              In 2019 the D.R. reported 6.5 million   below where it was in August 2019.  January 2020.
          arriving air passengers, of which 55% were   Puerto Rico is the second largest   OAG says that it isn’t easy to account
          from the U.S. Travel and tourism accounted   Caribbean destination for air travel. As an   for these differences.
          for 16% of the GDP, according to World   unincorporated U.S. territory it is a much   There is an element of vaccinated
          Travel and Tourism Council.       more U.S.-orientated market with 80% of   travelers gravitating to islands with strict
              Tourism appears to be a less important   arrivals by air coming from the United States.   rules on quarantine for unvaccinated
          part of the economy for the Dominican   Forward bookings are somewhat worse than   travelers while the unvaccinated may head
          Republic than for some of their smaller   in the Dominican Republic, at -43%, -47%   for islands which have a more relaxed
          neighbors which are much more dependent   and -39% for November, December and   approach.
          on incoming visitors to drive their   January respectively. But travel and tourism   Maybe smaller island destinations are
          economy. At the moment forward bookings   accounts for a smaller proportion of the   proving more attractive to holidaymakers
          for November and December to the   economy, at just 5% pre-pandemic.   than larger islands. The importance of
          Dominican Republic are about a third down   Forward bookings to Jamaica, the   tourism to the economy doesn’t necessarily
          on the same time two years ago, while   fourth largest destination in the Caribbean   point to better recovery; Barbados where
          January bookings are lagging further still.  for air travel, are faring much worse   travel and tourism accounted for less than
              However, this compares favorably   with bookings for the end of the year   10% of GDP in 2019, has better forward
          with the forward bookings across all   still only 10% of where they were at this   bookings than Aruba where tourism
          Caribbean destinations which are 50%   point two years ago. Tourism is a much   accounted for 69% of the economy.
          down compared to where they were two   more important element of the economy,   Nor can it be explained by the
          years ago for November, 48% down for   accounting for 28% of GDP in 2019.  importance of the U.S., a market which
                                                                               has seen high level of recovery in domestic
                                                                               air travel; air travel to and from Bermuda
                                                                               has traditionally been heavily skewed to
                                                                               the U.S. with over 70% of passengers
                                                                               traveling to or from the U.S., and yet
                                                                               forward bookings are only around 10%
                                                                               of what they were two years ago. Antigua
                                                                               has had a strong element of UK travel but
                                                                               their forward bookings appear even more
                                                                               affected at only around 5% of where they
                                                                               should have been.
                                                                                  There may be an element of non-
                                                                               leisure travel contributing to forward
                                                                               bookings such as students returning from
                                                                               other countries where they are studying,
                                                                               or diaspora communities generating VFR
                                                                               (Visiting Friends and Relatives) traffic.
                                                                                  Add the level of endemic virus to
                                                                               the mix, the proportion of the population
                                                                               in each island that has been vaccinated,
                                                                               the travel restrictions in place and the
                                                                               extent to which each destination marketing
                                                                               organization has been able to adapt and
                                                                               promote the country and it’s no wonder
                                                                               there is so much variation in forward
                                                                               bookings across the Caribbean.
              Source: OAG Analyzer

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