Page 27 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 27


              MSC Cruises to hold naming ceremony for MSC Seashore at
              Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve in the Bahamas

              New flagship features a revolutionary open-space retail concept

                 MSC Cruises’ latest flagship, MSC
              Seashore, will be officially named at
              Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve in The
              Bahamas on November 18, making this the
              first Naming Ceremony for a cruise ship
              to be held at a private island. The event
              will also offer the opportunity for a formal
              inauguration of Ocean Cay.
                 Departing Miami on November 17,
              travel advisors and other invitees will be
              able to get a first look at the new ship - the
              newest and most innovative vessel to be
              deployed out of Miami this coming season
              - before she starts her inaugural 7-night
              cruise and U.S. season on November 20.
                 Hollywood royalty Sophia Loren will
              perform the important role of Godmother
              as she officially names her 16th MSC
              Cruises ship. The festivities will take place   New brands are featured in MSC Seashore’s open space retail concept.
              both on board and on the island as the ship
              will remain docked throughout the night,   across the cruise there is always something   element of our opening. Additionally,
              with a gala dinner, live entertainment and   happening, excitement to be found and   we have created new positions for MSC
              more.                             discoveries to be made from both our   Seashore to enhance the guest experience.”
                 The naming of MSC Seashore will   in-house retail and entertainment teams   And finally, he points out that the
              see the formal inauguration of Ocean Cay   working together.”       MSC retail family onboard will have over
              MSC Marine Reserve, which opened in   Pittaway says that MSC Seashore   100 years of combined MSC experience
              late 2019 and closed shortly thereafter   will showcase over 200 brands across 11   between them.
              due to the pandemic. The island has since   boutiques. New brand launches including   “This service, commitment and
              gone through further work and significant   IWC, Cartier, Panerai, Breitling, Acqua di   passion will be clear for guests to enjoy
              improvements and this is an opportunity for   Parma, Anastasia, Movado are at the heart   when they visit all of our stunning new
              MSC Cruises to showcase the island to the   of retail spaces.       onboard boutiques.”
              invitees on this occasion.            “MSC Seashore offers our widest
                 The latest ship will feature a   product assortment to date with increased   MSC innovations
              revolutionary new open-space retail   offerings for families and young travelers   MSC Seashore is the first Seaside
              concept, which MSC Head of Retail Adrian   in particular,” he added.  EVO ship, an evolution and enrichment
              Pittaway describes as retail concept built   In addition, he says that the presence   of the game-changing and pioneering
              from entertainment.               of the MSC Foundation and associated   Seaside class designed in the style of
                 “We initially created a multi-  retail space, where all retail revenue goes   Miami beach-front condos. This class of
              dimensional space that will host shows,   towards sustainability projects around   ship is renowned for its innovative and
              retail events, promotions, spectacular   the world, is an ongoing commitment to   glamourous design features and is intended
              moments of excitement called Times   educate, inspire and support many projects   to connect guests with the sea.
              Square,” says Pittaway.           associated with the preservation of the sea.  MSC Seashore is the first cruise
                 “The first ever 3-deck high ‘phygital   “Likewise, with our MSC Cruises   ship in the world to feature a new air
              retailtainment’ space at sea, Times Square   own brand, we have developed a set of   sanitation system developed by Fincantieri.
              is built around a set of open, connected   principles and expectations for all new   ‘Safe Air’, uses UV-C lamp technology
              retail spaces which are 75% larger than   products to reflect materials, sourcing and   eliminating 99% of viruses and bacteria to
              onboard MSC Seaside, and we used a   product innovation.            guarantee clean and safe air for guests and
              large amount of this extra space to create   “This change is now at the heart of   crew. 100% fresh air is used on board and
              spacious shopping and entertainment   our buying and selling strategies to reflect   there is no recirculation of air.
              spaces that are seamlessly connected and   the sustainability goals of the company,”   MSC Seashore will become the third
              presented with an innovatively created   he says.                   MSC Cruises ship based in the U.S. When
              strategy.                             MSC Seashore will be truly a service-  MSC Seashore arrives, MSC Meraviglia
                 “Each shop contains demonstration   based retail offering, says Pittaway.  will move to Port Canaveral for the rest of
              areas, presentation spaces, natural light,   “We passionately believe that ‘people   the season and MSC Divina will move to
              stunning sea views and interactive   buy people’ and the human power of our   PortMiami.
              moments so that during each day and night   retail spaces is the single most important
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