Page 40 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 40


                    Lendava Good Morning and Lendava Good Night -- launching now in the Rouge Duty Free stores in the
                    Caribbean --promise to simplify the skincare routine and provide maximum results.

          Elegant new skincare brand Lendava: minimalist products

          with maximum results

              With products that are elegant,   not disrupt the natural functionality of the   from pollution, stress, sun damage and
          minimalist and highly efficient,   skin. Healthy skin knows how to take care   aging.
          sophisticated new skincare brand Lendava   of itself. My creams support this natural   “Every skin needs humectants and
          promises to deliver the pinnacle of daily   functionality,” she notes, explaining that   emollients. The Lendava creams have both
          skincare essentials with a simple routine of   she has worked with top chemists to perfect   of these. We use humectants to hydrate
          one day cream and one night cream, called   each formula.            the skin, and we use emollients to make
          Lendava Good Morning and Lendava Good   The Good Day and Good Night   the skin softer and smoother. We use
          Night.                            creams  —which can replace as many as   some of the best humectant ingredients in
              Created by Priscila Fadul, an industrial   five other products, including moisturizers,   the market such as Hyaluronic Acid and
          engineer by training whose family has been   serums, oils and eye creams—combine   Sodium PCA, and we use some of the best
          in the beauty industry for more than 30   vitamins, ceramides and peptides, with   non-comedogenic oils that come from
          years, the Lendava products are the result   antioxidants, humectants and emollients,   plants,” she says.
          of extensive research and endless testing to   says Fadul.              Fadul says that the Lendava creams
          achieve the perfect formula.          “I think that the best proven   also contain ceramides and peptides,
              Now based in Miami, Fadul grew up   ingredients on the market today for   which hydrate and boost the production of
          in Argentina and named the brand after her   skincare are vitamins A, B3 and C. Vitamin   collagen.
          grandfather’s town in Slovenia. She says   B3 is what I call a multi-tasker. It always   The Lendava Good Day is a super-
          that her family was always very concerned   adds value to the health of the skin without   potent daily formula - packed with
          with health and wellness and that she has   disrupting its natural functionality. It is a   ceramides, skin superfoods, and a powerful
          been obsessed with skincare since she was   great ingredient. And the Vitamin C that we   antioxidant complex to maintain a healthy
          a child.                          use is high quality Vitamin C that can be   barrier and protect the skin from signs of
              “My products are intended to replace   used daily on the skin.   aging, irritation, dehydration, and pollution.
          the extra steps in your skincare routine   “Vitamin A is Retinol, which is more   The Lendava Good Night cream uses
          by containing a powerful combination of   like a treatment and should not be used   peptides that effectively stimulates the
          ideal ingredients for your skin. By this I   every day, so is not in my current creams. I   production of collagen, which is the major
          mean really high quality ingredients with   will definitely launch a retinol cream in the   building block of skin. Fadul says that
          the right ph in the right concentration,   future as a treatment, but it is too strong to   Lendava uses one of the very best peptides
          delivering high efficacy that your skin   be in my creams for daily use,” says Fadul.  combination- Matrixyl 3000. These high-
          needs on a daily basis,” Fadul tells TMI in   “Then we have antioxidants, and I use   quality active ingredients stimulate the
          a recent interview.               the most luxurious and highest quality on   growth of both new collagen and elastin
              “Importantly, the Lendava creams are   the market. They are necessary to protect   under the skin’s surface.
          microbiome-friendly. This means they do   your skin from free radicals, which result   “This is why my creams are so

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