Page 42 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 42


          “Unexpected” campaign for Carrera fragrances shot in Argentina in
          midst of pandemic

              Euroluxe has announced the launch of   who has been widely recognized for his
          a new campaign for the Original Black &   work around the world.
          White perfume lines for Carrera Parfums,   The Carrera plot features two
          under the theme “Expect the Unexpected.”  Argentine actors, Clara Kovacic and Matias
              The campaign was filmed in Argentina   Desiderio, in a story of attraction based on
          at the Palacio Paz, in Buenos Aires, which   a role-changing game. Without the use of
          is recognized as an Argentine national   their sight, they move through the magical
          monument. Covering more than 12,000   setting of 1900’s balconies and marble and
          square meters of space, and featuring   bronze floors that define the Palacio Paz,
          French architecture, a stunning glass dome,   enhancing all their senses, until they finally
          and winding, elegant corridors, this palace   meet each other.
          was the perfect setting to convey elegance   The campaign conveys the essence of
          and glamour for this family of fragrances   the perfume brand: sensuality, romanticism,
          that Carrera offers for Him and for Her,   youth and mystery, explains Tatarsky.
          Vanesa Tatarsky, Marketing and PR   The name of the campaign ‘Expect The
          Director for Carrera, tells TMI.   Unexpected,’ was born from the idea of
              Tatarsky is the creator of this new   living in the present, of being surprised,
          campaign, which she managed to produce   and that the rule is that there are no rules.  filming with all that this implied, but in the
          with little resources and in the midst of the   “As Marketing Director, I am very   end, the result exceeded our expectations,”
          full pandemic, according to Guy Bodart,   proud to belong to Euroluxe, where they   she said.
          CEO of Euroluxe, the official manufacturer   allowed me to develop my creativity and   The fragrances in the campaign are
          and distributor of Carrera Jeans fragrance   vision with total freedom. I managed   Carrera’s Original White Fragrance for
          and body products.                 every detail, from the choice of talents, the   women, a Floriental, and the Original
              “Vanesa is the heart and soul behind   realization of the script, costumes, location,   Black Fragrance for men, with citrus and
          the campaign and produced a great   post production, etc.            leather notes.
          narrative under very difficult conditions,”   “The biggest challenge we faced were   Carrera Jeans is a leading Italian brand
          he explained.                      the restrictions and their constant changes   of Jeans, garments and apparel established
              The campaign was filmed by Gabriel   due to the pandemic, which made us re-  in Verona, Italy more than 55 years ago
          Grieco, a talented Argentine film director   adapt the script to be able to carry out the   with a worldwide presence. Euroluxe is
                                                                               the global owner of the Carrera Parfums
                                                                               license. To discover the backstage filming
                                                                               of the campaign, visit the Carrera Facebook
                                                                               page at
                                                                                   To see the fragrances in Cannes,
                                                                               please visit 3 Sq. Mérimée, 1st floor,
                                                                               between Restaurants La Californie &

          complete. Lendava creams are light texture,   EU-compliant. The elegant orb-shaped
          non-comedogenic products with very good   containers are refillable to promote reuse.
          ingredients that work on the sensitive area   And concerned with giving back, Lendava
          around the eyes.                   is also a sponsor of the Live Like Bella
               “Lendava skincare is targeted to   children’s cancer foundation in Miami.
          people who are concerned with efficiency   The Lendava products are currently
          and high-quality products that are   available online at US$88 for Good
          responsible and will simplify their life,”   Morning, and US$98 for Good Night.
          she observed. “Skincare doesn’t need to be   They are being launched in all the Rouge
          that complicated. These are minimalistic   Duty Free stores in St. Thomas, St. Croix,
          products with maximum effect.”     St. Maarten and Grenada, and in Grand
              Lendava is also responsible: All   Duty Free in Grand Cayman. For more
          Lendava ingredients are vegan, fragrance-  information, contact Hello@ShopLendava.
          free, biodegradable, cruelty-free, and   com
          certified by Leaping Bunny, as well as
                                                                                  Priscila Fadul

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