Page 46 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 46


          company that has been in business for 25
          years can walk into a store and recognize   Tairo President & Director of Operations
          Beauty Advisors that were there when we   Bryan Hollander meeting with the
          started 25 years ago. And that happens a lot   team recently in the company’s Florida
          for us.”                            headquarters.
              “These Beauty Advisors have been
          such a big part of our success,” adds   really helped make it a reference brand
          Robert. “They are loyal to us, we are loyal   in the Caribbean, not only with the travel
          to them. It is a symbiotic relationship. It is   retail customers but also with a really
          amazing. Tania and I will walk into stores   large local following. It is really amazing
          today and the BAs say – I remember this   how that fragrance is still doing well with
          launch or that launch!  This has really made   the local market consumers,” commented
          our business a success.”          Bassan.
          Highlight launches                And their favorite island is…
              Reminiscing on specific launches,   While the Bassans would not indicate
          the Bassans give a special shout out to   a favorite island in the Caribbean, they did
          the Ferrari fragrances, which they began   admit that Nassau holds a special place in
          distributing in 1999.             their hearts.
              “The Ferrari fragrance really put us on   “Nassau was the first island that
          the map. Because the number of activations   we opened up, getting a listing with The
          that we did in the region, it really opened   Perfume Shop from Tim Lightbourne. That
          the eyes of potential suppliers, to see what   was when we were first starting. Tania and   to take pre-orders so the engraver can start
          we were doing,” said Bassan.      I would fly in for the day and we would   the process days before we actually start
              “When we first started with Procter &   literally walk down Bay Street (which at   in the store to accommodate the demand,”
          Gamble, which was eventually purchased   that time had dozens of perfume shops, one   she said.
          by Coty, the Boss Bottled launches for   on every corner) and work every single one
          Hugo Boss was a standout. Also Lacoste   of those stores,” said Bassan.   Somar
          Touch of Pink was a huge activation for   Even now, the Tairo area managers   In 2013, Tairo expanded, using its
          us throughout the region. With Coty, Cool   spend time with the Beauty Advisors at the   experience as a fragrance and cosmetics
          Water Deep was a massive launch, as was   point of sale.             distributor in Caribbean Travel Retail to
          all of the Marc Jacobs launches, such as   “The DNA that we created 25 years   create a sister company dedicated to the
          Daisy,” said Tania Bassan.        ago is still alive and carried out by the team   distribution of consumer products for the
              Tairo also revamped the Yves Saint   members who are there day in and day out,   Caribbean local markets, called Somar.
          Laurent brand in the region; and the   with the exception of course of this last   Somar represents such brands as OPI,
          YSL Libre fragrance was an especially   year and a half,” said Tania.  Moroccanoil, Wella Hair care, Cover Girl,
          memorable launch.                                                    Max Factor, and Energizer batteries, among
              “The beautiful thing about Yves Saint   Mexico Duty Free         others.
          Laurent is that over the years we have   Tairo also has a special relationship   “While Somar has not been around as
                                            with the Mexican duty free market,   long, it helped us diversify our business,”
          Tania and Robert Bassan in their first   where its main clients include Sears and   says Robert Bassan. “It really catered
          Tairo office.                     UltraFemme, and Pama in Cozumel.   to the changing consumer behavior. We
                                                “Mexico provided us with the ability   see consumers migrating to two poles of
                                            to showcase and do things instore on a   the beauty spectrum. We have high end
                                            grand scale that really weren’t being done   customers looking for expensive, luxury
                                            at that time. It solidified for us the ability   and niche brands, and then we have other
                                            to do large scale events. And we were able   consumers who are more value conscious,
                                            to use that as a blueprint for stores in the   looking for semi-mass and masstige
                                            rest of the region in the Caribbean. It was a   products.
                                            great opportunity for us to help our brands   “So whereas Tairo supplies travel
                                            shine instore,” explained Tania.   retail stores with more select brands, Somar
                                                Added Robert: “We dressed buses   is more geared to the drug store and super
                                            and installed billboards, going beyond just   markets market and local consumers.”
                                            a window display. The Mexican market   Whichever end of the beauty spectrum
                                            gave us the ability to do real 360 degree   the Tairo companies supply, the Bassans
                                            launches. And we still do this today.”    say their same theme and philosophy
                                                Tania Bassan also highlights special   applies: “Our business continues to focus
                                            activations they did, like instore engraving   on our three pillars-- our customers, our
                                            events and parties with DJs.       suppliers, and the team members who have
                                                “Engraving events are particularly   been with us for as long as they have. They
                                            successful, to such an extent that we need   spell our success.”

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