Page 48 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 48


          One on One with Hal Tayler, CEO of Little Switzerland
          Little Switzerland’s ethically-sourced lab-grown

          Engrace Diamonds shine on land and sea

              With about one-seventh of the   brand to the cruise ships and other potential   much higher standard.”
          environmental impact and produced   duty free distributors.              Tayler reports that in addition
          with 85 percent less water compared to   “We are looking for more    to growing white diamonds, Little
          traditional diamond mining*, Engrace   distribution,” confirms Tayler. But despite   Switzerland is specializing in growing blue,
          Diamonds by Little Switzerland creates   looking for potential distribution, Tayler   yellow and pink diamonds as well.
          sustainable, ethically-sourced genuine   emphasizes that Little Switzerland will be   “We use a proprietary method that
          diamond rings, bracelets, earrings and   very selective in that distribution.   delivers consistency in color. And unlike
          pendants. Starting this September, curated   “First and foremost, any future   many other ‘color enhanced’ gemstones
          collections of the lab-grown diamonds   partners will have to share the same   on the market, we do not treat these stones
          premiered onboard six cruise ships in   retailing philosophy as Little Switzerland—  with heat or a coating process. Our stones
          which Starboard Cruise Services manages   as does Starboard,” he emphasized.     are injected with the same natural gases
          retail operations.                                                   that occur in nature, and these gases are
              While Little Switzerland and   Why lab-grown diamonds?           injected into the growing chamber during
          Starboard announced their groundbreaking   The owner of Little Switzerland’s   the creation of the stones. If you were to
          partnership this past September, the   affiliated company began researching   cut one of our colored diamonds in half,
          two industry leaders had begun testing   lab-grown diamonds 5-6 years ago. After a   the color saturation would be consistent
          the concept before the pandemic, said   few years of intense testing, the company   throughout the stone, rather than just on the
          Hal Tayler, Chief Executive Officer   developed its own proprietary growing   surface or heat treated,” he says.
          of Caribbean luxury retailer Little   methods beyond the base technology
          Switzerland.                       everyone else was using; and three   Brilliance and Value
              Tayler told TMI that Little Switzerland   years ago they reached the point where   Lab-grown diamonds are gaining a
          is working with Starboard since the two   they could begin producing and selling   reputation for their brilliance and sparkle,
          companies share many of the same values   consistent lab-grown diamonds.     as well as for value.
          as well as their approach to customer   Tayler explains: “The process calls for   “One of the largest online sources for
          service.                           growing a rough diamond in a machine that   diamonds and engagement rings, Helzberg.
              “The test was really successful and we   creates heat and pressure, just like nature   com, is now highlighting lab-grown
          were supposed to rollout in March 2020,   does. After you harvest the rough diamond   diamonds over natural diamonds on its
          but then COVID came and shut everything   from the machine, you still have to send   homepage. They compare what you get
          down,” said Tayler.                it out to be cut and polished, just like we   for your money, from quality to brilliance,
              Using the leverage and credibility   do with diamonds that are grown in the   saying you get twice as much with a lab-
          of the highly respected Little Switzerland   ground.                 grown stone,” says Tayler.
          name, the company created an in-house   “As we moved forward, we have    “Because the cost of producing the
          brand that it has been distributing through   been able to refine the process to increase   lab-grown rough diamonds is less than
          its own stores across the Caribbean for the   the yield and our control of the rough   mining the natural in-ground stone, we
          past three years. But now, the company   diamonds. In the early days, we weren’t so   strive to cut the stone to perfection, which
          says that the time is right to expand this   sure what we would end up with, in terms   is where the brilliance comes from. This
                                             of clarity, color and quality. Now we are   cut is the first thing you notice with our
                                             at the point where we can control that to a   lab-grown diamonds—all the jewelry is
            *International Grown Diamond Association.
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