Page 53 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 53
Stoli Group releases The Wiseman Bourbon
Stoli Group has announced the the Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame in
release of The Wiseman Bourbon, its 2016 and served as chair of the Kentucky
first Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey Distillers’ Association board of directors.
produced and distilled by Kentucky Owl in Jean Philippe-Aucher, Global Travel
collaboration with the Bardstown Bourbon Retail Director of Stoli Group, says: “The
Company. The product is a blend of Wiseman is the beginning of the next
Kentucky Owl 4-year-old wheat and high- chapter for both Kentucky Owl and Stoli
rye bourbons, along with 5 ½-year and 8 Group. We are very excited to be entering
½-year-old Kentucky-sourced bourbons. a new dynamic category within Travel
“The Wiseman Bourbon is an artful Retail with such an innovative brand as
balance of soft wheat and spicy high- The Wiseman. Following its U.S. launch
rye that provides a smooth but complex we plan to roll out into GTR during 2022.
bourbon designed to drink neat, on the The Wiseman Bourbon will be a major
rocks or in a cocktail,” said John Rhea, highlight on our stand at the Travel Retail
Kentucky Owl Master Blender. “The Virtual Expo this year and we are very
product leads with a beautiful caramel excited to be sharing more information
flavor and aroma followed by notes of there with our retail partners.”
allspice, citrus fruit and a nudge of oak.” Stoli Group purchased Kentucky
This is the first Kentucky Owl Owl in 2017. Originally founded by C.M.
release under Rhea, who began in June. Dedman in 1879, the Kentucky Owl addition to the Kentucky Owl portfolio,
Rhea previously served as Four Roses Bardstown distillery went dark during the with its last blended bourbon, Confiscated,
Distillery’s chief operating officer, where Prohibition era and remained dormant until released in 2019. The Wiseman will soon
his responsibilities included quality a descendent revived the brand in 2014. be available through a limited number of
control, maturation, evaluation and The Wiseman Bourbon (90.8 fine retailers across the distillery’s national
product blending. He was inducted into proof/45.4% ABV, $60/750mL) is the latest distribution footprint.
Lanson brings two new Cuvées to Cannes
Champagne Lanson returns to Cannes retailers and on-premise. The high quality
this year with two new and exclusive of these new cuvées has been recently
cuvées, giving visitors to the exhibition recognised by the great marks given by
their first opportunity to taste since launch. Wine Enthusiast (96 points-Highest score
Le Black Réserve was created by of the Brut Non-vintage category and the
Hervé Dantan, the house winemaker. Editor’s choice).
It offers a Lanson non-vintage Brut “We’re delighted that TFWA World
combining freshness, complexity and Exhibition is taking place this year as travel
fullness. retail continues to be a key market for
Aged for 5 years and containing a Lanson moving forward,” says Edouard de
blend of 100 Crus and 70% Grand and Boissieu, Head of Travel Retail.
Premier Crus, Le Black Réserve has an “While the business has continued
intense and mature fruity taste combined to be challenging, Champagne Lanson
with an ample, refined texture, a citrus and has experienced some excellent sales
chalky freshness mixed with density and on domestic markets with strong sales
vitality. in Oceania, the U.S. and the UK, in
Le Blanc de Blancs was also created some cases with results well ahead of
by Hervé Dantan, to magnify the freshness the Champagne sector average. This we
of the Lanson style, combining it with the see as extremely encouraging for us as sales growth in 2020 of +25% and +35%
finesse of Chardonnay. Le Blanc de Blancs our repositioning has been clearly well respectively.
is aged for a minimum of 5 years with a perceived internationally, which is sure to “With this positivity for the Lanson
blend of 15 Crus and 70% Grands and have a knock-on effect in travel retail as brand, we are returning to Cannes this
Premier Crus. It is fresh on the palate, with business continues to improve.” year with a great deal of optimism and
noters of candied lemon, almond, nougat, Long term, de Boissieu remains confidence,” he says. “Most of all, we’re
honey, candied orange bark, and a touch of enthusiastic about the opportunities in looking forward to seeing our many
chalk. Australia and New Zealand where domestic customers, colleagues and friends for the
Le Black Réserve and Le Blanc de sales have continued to outperform the first time and – naturally – to raising a glass
Blancs are both exclusive to duty free, wine category in 2021 following impressive of Champagne Lanson!”
53 October 2021