Page 52 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 52


          Tito’s Handmade Vodka to exhibit in own booth in Cannes for the first

              Tito’s Handmade Vodka is exhibiting   the United States by volume in 2019, and
          for the first time in its own booth at the   the COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped
          TFWA World Exhibition & Conference.  its momentum.
              John McDonnell, Tito’s Managing   Tito’s was the number one liquor on
          Director International, tells TMI the time   alcohol e-commerce platform Drizly for the
          is right for Tito’s to have its own dedicated   second year in a row in 2020.
          booth in Cannes at the premier duty free   “We’ve made a number of distributor
          and travel retail trade show.     changes during COVID. We have opened
              “We are excited to be exhibiting for   up a couple of new markets. We just
          the first time in our own booth,” he says.  opened up Russia domestically. They see
              “Because of COVID we ended up   the power of the brand,” says McDonnell.
          getting a booth because there must have   “Puerto Rico is on fire for Tito’s.
          been some cancelations. We see this as an   They’ve adopted the brand. In a lot of
          opportunity. We are glad that we have a   the islands it is the local people drinking
          place that we can call home now in Cannes   Tito’s. Our business is doing nicely in
          at Green Village K60.”            the Americas and we have some pockets
              At its new booth in Cannes, Tito’s   around the world. Croatia we are doing   Tito’s new Ugly Sweater for the holidays
          will unveil its latest annual Ugly Sweater   well because the Americans can travel
          for the holidays, which features an all-new   there.”                celebrating with a special label and new
          design, and is now in its fifth year.  Next year will be Tito’s 25th   partnerships.
              Tito’s became the best-selling spirit in   anniversary and the brand will be   “We just signed a five year deal to be
                                                                               the official vodka of the PGA Tour (see
                                                                               below) and they have tournaments around
                                                                               the world: China, Japan, the Dominican
                                                                               Republic, and so on. It is a way to raise
                                                                               awareness of the brand in those countries.
                                                                               We’ll get TV exposure, we’ll be able to
                                                                               activate on site. This is really exciting
                                                                               because it is a global deal,” he says.
                                                                                  “We’ve also beefed up our social
                                                                               media presence in the UK, New Zealand,
                                                                               Australia, Mexico, Puerto Rico. We just
                                                                               launched our new website in Puerto Rico
                                                                               and Mexico. We continue to grow our
                                                                               presence around the world.”

          Tito’s named Official Vodka of PGA Tour, Ryder Cup

              Tito’s has announced some key   events are held.                 to find one that is not pouring a vodka
          sponsorships in the past few months with   As part of the Tour’s Official   cocktail behind the bar. Tito’s cocktails and
          the PGA Tour and the Ryder Cup.   Marketing Partner program, Tito’s will host   golf have been a perfect match for years,
              In August, Tito’s began a multi-  the Tito’s Stillhouse Lounge at select Tour   so we’re thrilled to make the relationship
          year marketing sponsorship with the   events throughout the season.  official through our sponsorship with the
          PGA Tour that named Tito’s the “Official   Then in September, staying in the   PGA Tour. With so many new players
          Vodka of the PGA TOUR and PGA Tour   world of professional golf, the PGA of   picking up clubs for the first time, it is
          Champions.” The five-year sponsorship   America announced Tito’s as the Official   perfect timing to work with the PGA Tour
          will be highlighted by branded experiences   Supplier and the Official Vodka of the   to share the best moments of golf and
          at PGA Tour tournaments featuring exciting   Ryder Cup, which was held September   competition with fans new and old, no
          new activations and signature cocktails   21-26, 2021, at Whistling Straits in Kohler,   matter their handicap,” said Taylor Berry,
          crafted for fans. In addition to fresh   Wisconsin. To highlight the sponsorship,   Tito’s Handmade Vodka VP of Brand
          experiences and cocktails, “Love, Tito’s,”   Tito’s activated their Stillhouse Lounge   Marketing. “With our collective dedication
          the philanthropic heart of Tito’s Handmade   within the Dye Plaza at Whistling Straits.  to community and philanthropy, we have
          Vodka, will engage in initiatives to increase   “Go to any golf course clubhouse   no doubt that we will be able to make an
          its impact in communities where PGA Tour   on a Saturday and it is almost impossible   impact on and off the course.”
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