Page 47 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 47


              Shiseido reinforces commitment to travel retail with focus on skin
              beauty innovations

                 Shiseido Travel Retail is focusing on
              prestige and skin beauty for travel retail at
              the upcoming Moodie Davitt Virtual Travel
              Retail Expo and TFWA World Exhibition &
                 The company will share its vision for
              the travel retail beauty category through the
              presentation of key launches, consumer-
              centric marketing strategies and market-
              specific plans for 2022, aligned with
              Shiseido Group’s WIN 2023 and Beyond
              medium-to-long-term strategy.
                 Philippe Lesné, President & CEO,
              Shiseido Travel Retail, said: “Travel retail   In addition, SHISEIDO will be   NARS
              remains the ultimate global showcase of   presenting Uplifting and Firming Cream   Shiseido is introducing a new travel-
              our brands, and we believe it will emerge   and WrinkleSpot Treatment from its Vital   exclusive NONSTOP NARS Collection
              stronger and more resilient. Shiseido   Perfection collection. The SHISEIDO Vital   dressed in an exclusive red packaging.
              Travel Retail’s presence in both trade   Perfection Uplifting and Firming Cream,   The NONSTOP NARS Face Palette
              events underlines our strong commitment   and Intensive Wrinklespot Treatment are   is a deluxe, all-in-one palette for the
              to the industry, and our teams are excited   now available in Travel Retail Worldwide.   eyes, lips and face, presented in a sleek
              to reconnect virtually and physically with                          makeup pouch with a Mini Lip Brush and
              valued partners and stakeholders. As the   Clé de Peau Beauté       Mini Blush. The set contains six bronze
              physical and digital worlds continue to   Powered by the Skin-Empowering   eyeshadows, four shades of bestselling
              merge in the new normal, we see this as a   Illuminator complex, Key Radiance Care   lipsticks, and two highlighting powders.
              pivotal opportunity to further strengthen   is a three-step system to awaken, nurture   The NONSTOP NARS Light Reflecting
              our capabilities in consumer experience   and boost Skin Intelligence. The Serum is   Setting Powder – Pressed (translucent) is
              and online-to-offline engagement with   the brand’s hero product and the first step   offered in a new, travel-exclusive oversized
              travelers. We look forward to showcasing   of Key Radiance Care. It contains Kelplex   design. The NONSTOP NARS Collection
              our offerings for the new travel retail   that helps to activate skin’s regenerative   will be available exclusively in Travel
              landscape and fruitful discussions with our   power and stimulate its ability to evolve in   Retail Asia and Travel Retail Japan from
              retailer partners to build a successful future   radiance.          November 2021, and in Travel Retail
              together.”                             The age-defying specialist   Americas from March 2022.
                 Shiseido Travel Retail will be   line, the Supreme Series, comprises   In 2016, Shiseido Travel Retail was
              presenting its skincare, makeup and   highly functional items inspired by   established as the regional headquarters
              fragrance brands, including the following   dermatological and regenerative treatments   for Shiseido’s global duty free business.
              focus lines and novelties, which will be   and technologies. The Supreme Series   Headquartered in Singapore with offices
              available in the Americas travel retail   comprises the Volumizing Cream Supreme,   in Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Paris,
              markets:                          Firming Serum Supreme, Wrinkle    Dubai, and Miami, it operates in airports,
                                                Smoothing Serum Supreme, Enhancing   downtown stores, border shops, airlines,
              SHISEIDO                          Eye Contour Cream Supreme, and Vitality-  and ferries, and specializes in accelerating
                 Ahead of Shiseido’s 150th anniversary   Enhancing Eye Mask Supreme. In 2022,   the growth of Shiseido’s brands to
              in 2022, the company’s flagship brand   the range will be extended with new   travelers.
              SHISEIDO will offer delegates an   launches.                            Shiseido Travel Retail’s portfolio
              exclusive teaser of the limited editions   The Serum and Supreme Series from   includes skincare brands SHISEIDO,
              planned for its iconic products to mark the   Clé de Peau Beauté are now available in   Clé de Peau Beauté, IPSA, THE GINZA,
              occasion.                         Travel Retail Worldwide.          ELIXIR, ANESSA, and Drunk Elephant;
                                                                                  makeup brands NARS, Laura Mercier and
                                                                                  bareMinerals; as well as fragrance brands
                                                                                  Dolce&Gabbana, ISSEY MIYAKE, narciso
                                                                                  rodriguez, and Serge Lutens.

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