Page 43 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 43
The Estée Lauder Companies Travel Retail commits US$250,000 to
fund a research grant with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation
The Estée Lauder Companies Travel Estée Lauder Companies.
Retail will commit US$250,000 for the BCRF is the highest-rated breast
funding of a research grant with the Breast cancer organization in the United States
Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) and the largest private funder of breast
for the 2021 Breast Cancer Campaign. cancer research worldwide, with nearly
One of the company’s fastest growing 275 grantees from all disciplines of science
channels, Travel Retail covers duty free conducting game changing research to
environments including airports, downtown support BCRF’s ultimate goal of preventing
locations, airlines, cruises and border and finding a cure for breast cancer. The million funding 321 medical research
shops, touching over 3 billion passengers Estée Lauder Companies Travel Retail grants through the Breast Cancer Research
annually. grantee was announced on October 1, 2021. Foundation® (BCRF).
“The Estée Lauder Companies’ Breast The Estée Lauder Companies has As part of its comprehensive
Cancer Campaign is a reflection of our been a corporate leader in the global breast support program, 19 of The Estée Lauder
incredible employees’ commitment to cancer movement since Evelyn H. Lauder Companies’ brands will support the
help create a world without breast cancer co-created the Pink Ribbon and started the Campaign’s mission by selling Pink
and since BCRF’s founding in 1993, they Campaign in 1992. The Campaign now Ribbon Products or making donations to
have shown the true impact research has supports more than 60 organizations around BCRF and/or other charitable organizations
on saving lives. On behalf of all our Travel the globe to raise funds, educate, support, around the world: AERIN, Aveda, Bobbi
Retail employees, we are so proud to and create a breast cancer-free world. Brown, Bumble and bumble, Clinique,
partner with BCRF to take this important As the company’s largest corporate Darphin, DKNY, Donna Karan, Dr. Jart+,
step towards ending this disease and social impact program, the Campaign has Estée Lauder, GLAMGLOW, Jo Malone
creating a new legacy of research together,” raised more than $99 million globally London, La Mer, Lab Series, Michael Kors,
said Olivier Bottrie, Global President, for lifesaving research, education, and Origins, Smashbox, Tom Ford Beauty, and
Travel Retail and Retail Development, The medical services, with more than $80 Too Faced.
43 October 2021