Page 13 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 13
“Another way to use audio is through “Made Music Studio created a
mobile apps – having specific user interface signature, branded sonic ambience meant
sounds that register as “alert”, “favorite”, to welcome cardmembers from the general
“confirmed” or whatever the action may airport into a highly curated, luxury
be, to let users know their action was experience. This 60-minute piece was
meaningful. approached like how we would approach
“A luxury brand’s guest services or composing an album. We tapped an array of
customer call centers are made for audio artists to create their own style of ambient
and getting this touchpoint right can tracks and then edited them together into the
be the difference between a calm client longer final piece,” says Lueck. For over 20 years, Made Music Studio music
and a more aggravated one. We know producers have refined and hosted reference
that using the right type of music in an Luxury’s sensory approach track workshops (like a visual mood board, but
on-hold setting, an ambient score with no Lueck believes that the luxury market for audio) with clients, to understand the existing
brand strategy and how the sound should be
distinguishable loop, can reduce perceived will be headed into an even more bespoke, developed.
wait time!” she says. experiential experience for its audiences,
one that takes into consideration even the Kristen Lueck is the VP, Director of
Sound for travel acoustics of its physical spaces. Business Development and Partnerships at
Sound design would be a big draw for “The glass windows of an Apple store Made Music Studio, building opportunities
the travel industry, especially luxury travel, transport you somewhere different than the to unlock the power of sound for
says Lueck. She cites a sonic identity lush carpeting and curtains of a jeweler’s entertainment, brands and people. Over the
system that Made Music created for mansion on 5th Avenue,” she points out. past eight years she has worked on sonic
Southwest Airlines with the famous flight “Storytelling, and how you are identities, network rebrands and immersive
attendant call button “ding” in the their involved in the story individually, I think experiences for clients such as AT&T,
marketing and communications, Virgin will be a big part of the experience – and Nissan, IMAX, Disney, and Southwest
playing music on-board and not forgetting all the tastes, smells, sights and sounds Airlines and supported programs that
to pump it into the bathrooms, and W that are a part of that. I think luxury brands explore how music can improve human
Hotels dayparting their music selection in will be taking a note from location-based wellness. Her entertainment background
the lobby from morning to evening to keep entertainment and the immersive qualities saw her as Music Assistant to Paul Shaffer
you in the right spirit throughout the day. of theme parks, museums and other at The Late Show with David Letterman and
Made Music Studio has also worked experiential permanent locations. programming and marketing film festivals in
in an airport environment, specifically with “They are looking to bring in several states. She has shared her insights
the American Express Centurion Lounge in awe, wonder, and that magic that keeps on the stages of TEDx, SXSW, Adobe’s 99U
13 airports across the United States. customers coming back again and again.” and The Future of Storytelling.
13 October 2021