Page 85 - 2024 Summit of the Americas
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                  GMAX Travel Retail targets unique brands with a point of difference

                     It all started with a unique rum with   “We represent
                  a point of difference for Garry Maxwell   the brands as
                  and Tim Young’s eventual partnership at   an agent. We do
                  GMAX Travel Retail.               all of the sales,
                     Maxwell had founded GMAX       commercial, and the
                  Travel Retail in 2020 in the midst of   marketing work. We
                  the pandemic, after 18 years at Premier   work in all channels
                  Portfolio. Young created his Young Spirit   and all regions, but
                  Consultancy in 2021 to assist premium   only in travel retail.”
                  beverage companies after 20 years with   Young tells TMI
                  Brown-Forman, most recently as Vice   that GMAX’s vision
                  President, General Manager Africa. They   is to bring brands to
                  were separately looking for brands to work   travel retail that have
                  with for their respective companies.  something that is
                     “We were both in discussion with   unique about them,
                  Equiano rum. That was our founding brand.   something a little bit
                  They were the brand that asked if we would   different.
                  both be interested in working for them,”   “We want
                  Young tells TMI. “This is a big industry   brands that have really good stories to tell   And the GMAX portfolio continues to
                  that is all over the world in lots of different   with really strong points of difference.   grow and add brands.
                  channels. You can do it yourself, but it is   Equiano Rum really ticked that box for us   “I think we have doubled in size. Our
                  great when you’ve got a good partner to   as the world’s first blend of African and   booth in Cannes doubled in size, which is a
                  deal with.”                       Caribbean rum. So that is where it started   good reflection of our increase. We’ve got
                     So Maxwell and Young started   and we have gradually found other brands   a really interesting mix of brands that have
                  collaborating, and the two seasoned spirits   that also tick that box and have strong   really good points of difference that are doing
                  professionals found that they were a great   points of difference. And our portfolio has   well in domestic markets and that we believe
                  fit with each other, says Young.  grown,” says Young.                travelers are really going to be interested in
                     “Garry would say we complement     “We are lucky that we have Au vodka   seeing them in travel retail,” says Young.
                  one another really well. He has been in the   in our portfolio, which is the number one   The GMAX spirits portfolio now
                  industry for much longer than I have. He’s   selling premium vodka in the UK.”  includes Au Vodka, Equiano Rum,
                  got a great background with all customers,   GMAX Travel Retail represents   Waterford Whisky, Tarquin’s Gin, Tidal
                  but he is very strong in the airline channel.   brands in multiple categories in travel retail   Rum, Moutai Bulao Baijiu, RY3 Whiskey,
                  I’ve obviously got the background working   with unique brands in spirits, perfume   Ron Izalco, La Fee Absinthe and Puertos
                  for Brown-Forman and Seagram’s before   and cosmetics, electronics, watches and   de Indias Gin.
                  that. I think we bring good complementary   jewelry, gifts and accessories, and logo and   GMAX is exhibiting at the Summit of
                  skill sets,” says Young.          destination products.              the Americas at Stand #606.

                     This change in packaging is projected   packaging is an important piece of Brown-  and the assessment is grounded in
                  to reduce the annual use of first-use plastic   Forman’s sustainable packaging strategy.   Ethisphere’s proprietary Ethics Quotient,
                  material by up to 220 tons across all U.S.   We anticipate extending the use of 100%   which requires companies to provide
                  domestic transportation sales of Jack   PCR plastic to other products and package   over 240 different proof points on their
                  Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey 50mls.   formats in the future.”          culture of ethics; environmental, social,
                     Additionally, the new airline-specific                            and governance practices; ethics and
                  packaging will result in an estimated   B-F named a most ethical company  compliance program; diversity, equity, &
                  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction   In addition to its sustainability efforts,   inclusion; and initiatives that support a
                  of 33% for the primary package when   Brown-Forman has been recognized in   strong value chain. That data undergoes
                  compared to the existing package.  2024 as one of the World’s Most Ethical   further qualitative analysis by Ethisphere’s
                     Andy Battjes, Brown-Forman Director   Companies for the past three years.  panel of experts who spend thousands of
                  of Global Environmental Sustainability,   The accolade comes from Ethisphere,   hours vetting and evaluating each year’s
                  Global Supply Chain and Technology,   a global leader in defining and advancing   group of applicants.
                  said: “Increasing the PCR content of our   the standards of ethical business practices,

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