Page 86 - 2024 Summit of the Americas
P. 86


              Monkey Shoulder unveils new refreshed packaging

                  Monkey Shoulder whisky is revealing                              momentum and ambitions across the globe
              a fresh new look and feel to its bottle, the                         in key markets such as the U.S., UK,
              first major change to the brand’s bottle                             France, Australia, Nigeria, Poland, and
              since it was launched in 2005.                                       Taiwan, among others, now is the time to
                  The changes include a bold refresh of                            push forward with an innovative look and
              the label and a lighter bottle - up to 25% in                        feel. With this refreshed look, we intend
              glass reduction. The new look bottle will be                         to continue recruiting a new generation of
              available in global travel retail, supported                         whisky drinkers and further inspire people
              by activations in key airports including                             to discover Monkey Shoulder as the perfect
              London Heathrow, Paris CDG and Dubai                                 spirit for cocktails. The redesign is also the
              from mid-2024.                                                       first in a series of bold moves for Monkey,
                  The new and improved Monkey                                      with it being part of an exciting new refresh
              Shoulder bottle includes a longer neck for                           to our entire brand visual identity and
              an easier pour. The label design has been   The innovations to the design were   communications platform, which will be
              optimized for maximum impact, moving   optimized with an AI-powered visual   launching in 2024.”
              to a split label design designed to deliver   analysis to test key features and label   Monkey Shoulder Scotch whisky
              premium cues to match the award-winning   viewability, alongside consumer testing.   remains one of the fastest growing
              liquid. The size of the brand logo has been   The result is a new look bottle and label   premium whisky brands in the world, with
              increased, to improve shelf appeal and stand-  that not only maintains its premium   double-digit value and volume growth from
              out on the back bar, in store and online.   cues and distinctiveness, but improves   2022 to 2023.
                  Monkey Shoulder’s distinctive brand   recognition, ease of comprehension and
              asset - the ‘three monkeys’ icon - features   visual appeal to both fans and potential new
              pride of place on the new label. The ‘three   drinkers of the brand, says the company.
              monkeys’ badge maintains its position on   Ifan Jenkins, Global Brand Director
              the new design, and the debossed three   at Monkey Shoulder says: “This is the
              monkeys remain on the wooden cork for a   perfect time for a packaging refresh for
              premium feel.                     Monkey Shoulder. With strong growth

              Diageo trials lighter aluminum Baileys bottle

              with Heinemann
                  Diageo Global Travel is launching   bottle. Though glass is recyclable and not
              Baileys in an aluminum bottle for an initial   the worst form of packaging, it remains
              trial period.                      heavy and energy intensive to make. In
                  The new aluminum format makes the   Global Travel we want to find solutions
              bottle five times lighter than traditional   to lighten our bottles and therefore reduce   DANZKA highlights
              70cl Baileys bottles with a lesser carbon   their carbon footprint in transit. We are   Copenhagen roots
              footprint. Validated by the Product Carbon   excited to trial this option for Baileys.
              Footprint Analysis, EcoAct (January 2024),   Much more to do and come.”    with new bottle design
              the new carbon footprint represents a   Baileys, which has a strong
              reduction of 44% versus the previous glass   commitment to sustainable production,
              bottle.                            from the cows and farms where its cream   DANZKA has redesigned the
                  Diageo Global Travel is initially   is sourced in Ireland to its packaging and   aluminum bottle for its iconic Danish
              partnering with German travel retailer   design, has been certified B Corp status.   vodka.
              Gebr. Heinemann for the release. The                                     The DANZKA bottle has always
              new bottle made from aluminum will be                                combined a lightweight aluminum bottle
              available on Heinemann’s loyalty program                             that cools five time faster than a glass bottle
              platform first (Heinemann x ME), before                              that is unbreakable, re-usable and a real
              being available for purchase in Amsterdam                            eye-catcher on the shelves.
              Schiphol, Frankfurt and Copenhagen                                       The latest bottle design upgrade
              international airports. Later in April it will                       keeps the Nordic characteristic look and
              be available in domestic retailer stores                             impresses with an even more minimalistic
              across Germany.                                                      appearance.
                  Commenting on the announcement:                                      In the new bottle layout, the company
              Andrew Cowan, Managing Director of                                   has integrated a key element “est. in
              Global Travel said: “We traditionally sell                           Copenhagen” recalling the roots of its
              a heavy product in travel retail – a glass                           Premium Vodka.

               Summit of the Americas  April 2024                           86

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