Page 34 - The Summit 2021 flip book
P. 34


          Bodart joins Euroluxe distribution company to offer brand-building

          options in LATAM

              Well-known beauty and travel retail                                 “Euroluxe can offer ‘One Stop’
          executive Guy Bodart has joined growing                              servicing for the travel retail and domestic
          regional distribution company Euroluxe                               market. We have superior supply chain
          as CEO. Bodart’s career includes a long                              management to ensure on time and accurate
          tenure at Chanel in top roles in Panama,                             delivery, for optimum rotation of the
          Mexico and Brazil, as well as recent stints                          products. And our proprietary perfume
          in senior positions at Duty Free Dynamics                            brand provides our team with valuable
          and Top Brands International.                                        knowledge on how to manage all aspects of
              “Euroluxe, as our label states, is                               a brand,” he explains.
          all about brand building, both for local                                The company has a very experienced
          markets and travel retail,” says Bodart, who                         management with vast experience in
          came on board early in 2021.                                         the market. In addition to Bodart, Latin
              Founded in Miami in 2015, Euroluxe   Guy Bodart,                 America entrepreneur Simon Coutier is
          began operations in Mexico’s local market   Euroluxe CEO             a founding partner of Euroluxe, heading
          distributing fragrance, cosmetics & jewelry                          up the Mexican operation. He works with
          in 2016, and a year later acquired the   “We are also in discussions with other   Raul Romo, a 30-year veteran of L’Oreal in
          global license for Carrera Jeans Perfumes,   brands for local market operation but we   Mexico local markets. Nicolas Stein is in
          Italy’s best-selling jeans, with offices based   would look at the travel retail channel if we   charge of Euroluxe Mercosur.
          in Milan. That same year, the company   think the brand has potential there,” Bodart   Although travel retail is within the
          launched Carrera Jeans Perfumes in key   assures TMI.                company brief, Bodart sees local markets
          markets across the globe.             Euroluxe is currently distributing the   in the region recovering before the travel
              It now has offices in Mexico, Uruguay,   Carrera fragrance brands on the border   retail channel.
          Chile and Panama (as well as in West   with all the major operators in Uruguay,   “Some of the brands that we attract
          Africa) and is present in seven countries   and is in talks to assess the potential of   are more niche brands, specific brands
          with entry points in more than 400 stores in   Perricone there. The company will soon be   that have demand in the local market, as
          Latin America, Europe, Middle East, West   announcing another well-known brand, for   opposed to travel retail, which carries more
          Africa and Asia.                  which it is negotiating regional agreements,   brands with a global appeal,” he tells TMI.
              Euroluxe has a strong presence in the   says Bodart.                “Although companies like Dufry in
          Mexico local market for Carrera Perfume,   “We offer brands a complete service.   Brazil and Mexico had tried – successfully
          whose high quality, fun fragrances are   Most of the brands that approach us are   I think – to offer local products, there are
          made in Milan.  It is also distributing   interested in distribution for the local market   certain limitations to travel retail right now
          skincare line Perrricone MD, for which it   of Mexico. If they are new to the region or feel   – especially post-COVID when retailers
          has opened five points of sale in high end   that they want to expand to other markets, we   will be trying to regain momentum by
          department store Palacio de Hierro.   would start discussing travel retail.   focusing on best-sellers. I am sure that they
                                                                               are looking to reduce inventories they need
                                                                               to sell through.”
                                                                                  “Our focus right now is on local
                                                                               markets, because that is where there is
                                                                               strong need for the brands that we have, but
                                                                               we also know that these brands eventually
                                                                               will want to be in travel retail.”
                                                                                  His message to the industry: “If there
                                                                               are brands out there looking for a partner
                                                                               in the region who has experience and
                                                                               presence, we have offices in Montevideo,
                                                                               Panama, Mexico and Chile, we have a
                                                                               small operation in Buenos Aires also, with
                                                                               headquarters in Miami, plus a subsidiary
                                                                               and production facility in Milan for the
                                                                               perfumes. Client brands would also be
                                                                               included in the company’s e-commerce
                                                                                  For information, contact gbodart@

          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 34
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