Page 37 - The Summit 2021 flip book
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If you do this right, it is a win-win for needs are driven by the destination we but also to provide the right training and
everybody. Your clients gain confidence, travel to and climates we live in? What help them gain the expertise they need to
are armed with the right products to travel products do you sell to support them as sell more. Your team will sell by educating
like a pro and come back to your store. At they travel to their destination? What can your clients. You need to give them a list
the same time, you gain their loyalty and they buy in your store to bring home? of questions they should ask to sell more
advocacy for life, while tripling your sales During my COVID travel I found without sounding salesy. They will not
every day with each traveler. myself in a situation where I needed a only need to understand the new health
body thermometer to measure my own and safety rules, but also a refresher on
Step 4: Finding the right products and temperature. The people in the store geography, climates, and time zones.
partners thought I had COVID and I became Product recommendations need to be based
After learning the psychology of stressed and nervous. Avoid this. Think on reasons for travel as well as how people
your clients, their needs, and the current about the frequent travelers’ lives, make a are traveling i.e. solo, group, family. Help
trends, look for the right new products and list of all the items they need and ensure your team to become experts in selling by
partners. I’m not talking about face masks you have them in stock. providing the training they need and keep
or hand sanitizers. Think outside the box. in mind that half-way solutions provide
How can you get your clients travel ready? Step 5: Train your staff half-way results.
What products will they need on the plane? You may have all the knowledge and Follow these steps to get started on
What products do they need in destination all the products in your store, but if your your path to improve sales in the new
because the trip destination is in a different staff is not trained you will not succeed. normal and keep in mind, you are no longer
time zone, climate, and language. How will This is the most important step in your new just selling products. You are selling your
the destination impact their youthfulness, sales strategy. ability to provide the right advice, manage
wellness, productivity and health? Did you Your job is not only to ensure that travelers’ uncertainty, and make their travel
know that our beauty and youthfulness your employees receive salary and benefits, experience as relaxing and safe as possible.
Edyta Satchell, a Certified Integrative
Nutrition Health Coach, is a renown
corporate executive, speaker, and wellness
She is a former duty free executive
from her native Poland where she
worked at Baltona Duty-Free Foreign
Trade Company. She helps thousands of
corporations to rejuvenate their revenue
and profit in the new normal, by creating
highly customized, modern, comprehensive
programs to companies and their
employees that help them gain confidence,
productivity, client loyalty, and boost their
Edyta is the Founder of Satchelle
Global Travel Wellness. She has more than
20 years of global leadership experience
working with dozens of A-listers including
CEOs of key Fortune 500 companies and
has been featured in many media.
Contact details:
Edyta Satchell showing the stress and anxiety of travel during the current pandemic.
37 April 2021 The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue