Page 42 - The Summit 2021 flip book
P. 42


          Beam Suntory embraces “digital revolution” to weather

          COVID-19 storm

              Phil Restall’s first few months in his                           on projected PAX return and priority loca-
          new position have been “a baptism of fire.”                          tions.”
              But the Beam Suntory General Man-                                   E-commerce will become much more
          ager of Travel Retail, who was appointed                             common for travel retail sales in the near
          to his new position in October, confidently                          future, says Restall.
          predicts Beam Suntory’s global travel retail                            “The pandemic has accelerated the
          business will emerge from this pandemic                              growth of online alcohol sales in many
          in a strong position, thanks in part to its                          markets worldwide, and travel retail
          “digital revolution.”                                                operators have evolved and introduced
              “While the pandemic has sadly created                            new online retail services facilitating home
          such global devastation, one positive is it’s                        delivery of travel retail exclusive and duty-
          been a great experience facing these chal-                           absorbed products,” he says.
          lenges head on and working together with                                “In terms of the most challenging
          a very talented GTR team and supportive                              comeback, traveling shoppers’ buying
          business to navigate the crisis,” Restall tells                      habits will undoubtedly have changed and
          TMI.                                  Phil Restall, Beam Suntory General   will continue to shift away from what we
              “I have learned a great deal about   Manager of Travel Retail    have historically known as a direct result of
          what’s important to our customers as they                            COVID. In fact many aspects of this new
          look to recover and the resilience and te-  the recovery materializes, it’s important   shopper behavior, including e-commerce
          nacity of not only my team but the industry   we adapt to what our customers and their   penetration and the increasing importance
          in general as it plans to bounce back better.   shoppers are looking for. This will require   of digital as a key medium on the shopper
          We are working hard with our customer   an agile approach to planning, a strong   path to purchase, will likely become the
          partners to plan the recovery, and we have   focus on execution and a requirement to   ‘new normal’ so it’s critical we understand
          very exciting plans including some extraor-  ensure investment is re-prioritized to faster   and adapt to these new opportunities.”
          dinary launches in the pipeline,” he says.  growing areas or recovery, such as Hainan   Beam Suntory has been building new
              Beam Suntory will need to focus on   Island, or accelerating shopper behavior in   capabilities and massively accelerating ef-
          where the consumers are actually travel-  the e-commerce space. Certain channels   forts in key areas to ensure it is in the right
          ing, and what they are looking to purchase,   and geographies will recover quicker than   place to lead the recovery, with a growing
          insists Restall.                  others -- America will rebound strongly, it’s   emphasis on digital elements.
              “There are a number of bright spots   just a question of ‘when,’” he says.
          on the horizon. Beam Suntory is commit-                              Digital integration on all levels
          ted to the GTR channel, its recovery and   Data more important than ever  The company realizes that it will
          the important role it strategically plays   “We use multiple data sources,   need to integrate digital at all levels of the
          in building our iconic brands around the   industry experts and insight from our   channel.
          world. In the short to medium term as   customer partners to best project where   “The business has been focusing its
                                            faster recovering geographies and channels   efforts – not just in GTR, but across the
                                                         are likely to occur. This   entire organization - on upweighting digital
                                                         has resulted in an ongoing,   capability, for example, to ensure we still
                                                         iterative planning cycle   engage and connect with priority shoppers
                                                         to continually build the   who have new shopping habits.
                                                         strongest, most sustainable   “We are working very closely with our
                                                         plan for our categories   retailers to integrate digital as part of the
                                                         and our customers as we   shopper journey. This will mean partner-
                                                         collectively recover. It’s   ing through various digital platforms to
                                                         important to make ‘tough   enable a smoother shopper journey and
                                                         choices’ and ensure every   reduce physical interaction where desired
                                                         dollar of brand investment   or required in line with COVID safety
                                                         delivers a return for all   measures.”
                                                         parties, with a clear focus   As part of Beam Suntory’s “digital

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